there is not a lot of it in my brain I have to admit.. wish I had more time to be organised... but tonight a few items..
to start with.. in case you ever wonder.. winners of my trivia questions... and yes I am slow in mailing .. oops.. and sorry.. Glenn from Canada for BOAC cover question, Jane from Canada on A380 Postmark design .. Jose from Portugal for Irving Berlin question, Irene from Australia for Isle of Eigg question.. what ever it was.. and Mark from US on A380 Wingspan question.

If you haven't received your covers / stamps .. be patient.. and hey tell a friend about the blog
Tonight .. space on stamps again.. first the stamps.. these are from Poland..
I found them in an old album.. I have no idea if they are part of a set.. and of course don't have time to check.... but I thought they were ok.. interesting design difference to the new Australia ones I showed the other night, don't you think.. Not sure which I prefer to be honest... becoming a procrastinator in my old age ..maybe these the more I think about it........ your thought???????????
Then there is this picture of the Parkes Telescope
Have a look at you will enjoy this if you are half interested in space. I had a most enjoyable visit there a few years back. I had a pictur

Ok for a prize.. a set of the Australia Space stamps issued next week... how many kangaroos would you expect to see if you visited the Australia Telescope Compact Array .. I was there as well so I know.. trick question hee hee
Enjoy your stamps.. and everything they can bring to our lives........... Michael
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