
isn't what it used to be.. but look at these and what do you remember
Many years ago this incredible guitarist was playing and maybe you saw him.. I did, before he became the icon he became.. at a small club just outside London.. he was a supporting act if I recall.... not sure I remember too much of the time.. but as they say, if you remember you were not there
He died this day September 18th, in London, in 1970.. so that is my stamp showing tonight.. read and enjoy the thrill of the times back then .. oh and do you know where Ingushe is.. or even that they issued stamps? well I didn't until tonight... always learning from stamps
Nite.. Michael
Many years ago this incredible guitarist was playing and maybe you saw him.. I did, before he became the icon he became.. at a small club just outside London.. he was a supporting act if I recall.... not sure I remember too much of the time.. but as they say, if you remember you were not there
He died this day September 18th, in London, in 1970.. so that is my stamp showing tonight.. read and enjoy the thrill of the times back then .. oh and do you know where Ingushe is.. or even that they issued stamps? well I didn't until tonight... always learning from stamps
Nite.. Michael
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