cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hello, I hope you enjoy seeing this stamp from Malta,  SG 113. Stunning condition, well centered, even if the scan has not been too kind to the colours.  This and many more lovely early issues from Malta are now in the cddstamps online store.  I hope you enjoy looking.

Are you a cddstamps customer?  Perhaps this will encourage you to have a look at our stock.
I am doing a special for all orders received before the 5th October. For every order received we will be sending you a free pair of cddstamps tweezers – in a separate mailing. 

You can never have too many pairs of tweezers and anyway these are the same as the ones we use every day and, they are free with your order. Want three pairs, place three orders, yes, we will mail you three pairs if you place three orders. I bet you won’t ever want to use another pair!

Finally, if you collect Great Britain or British Commonwealth I am even more sure you will find some great offers and opportunities to fill a few gaps in your collections as this past month I have added over 1000 GB including plenty of Machins, GV and QEII and a good selection from Bermuda, Malta, PNG and Guernsey. And, now over 23,500 lots in the store.

Enjoy your stamps and thanks for looking at


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hello, Today I was doing more sorting and I found these two. I only have the pale green copy listed in my catalogue – SG 64. Does anyone know if there is another shade / colour? 

Enjoy your stamps. Michael

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hello, something from Australia again tonight as I was putting together a selection for a potential customer and while going through some stock I found this.   I do hope you enjoy seeing it. Not  that special really except it is imperf and that always adds interest I think.

SG MS 662 with two of the stamps from the issue of 4  (SG 660  top stamp, showing Charles Kingsford Smith and his Fokker F311a/3m, Southern Cross, and SG 661 below with Charles Ulm

Collectible and nice to have in an aviation collection I think, even if the date of use was 36 years after it was issued. Look carefully!  Just goes to show the value was in postage rather than a collection.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your stamps.


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hello, I have been thinking about what to write about and show you and then I saw these two in my stock. Impossible to see the difference from the image, but there is a difference and if you collect Bermuda I would think it would be nice to have both in your collection. Not expensive either.

SG 140 for the left stamp with spelling Sandy's and SG 140a for the right stamp with the spelling Sandys.  Is it the name of the Point to the very left of the island. See image below

Apart form telling you these and plenty more nice Bermuda are now loaded in the cddstamps online store I wanted to share again how important it is to have a good catalogue so you can see if and when there are varieties like these.

If you collect Bermuda I am sure you are aware, if not just have a look next time  you see this stamp at the detail and which one you have.

Enjoy your stamps..  Michael

Friday, September 09, 2016

Hello everyone, TGIF, it has been a busy week and while looking through some boxes I found this cover with Miniature Sheet. I hope you like it.  It made me think that in a few days time the 2016 Autumn Stampex will open in London (14th to 17th of September)

I wish I could be there but it is just a bit too far (14 hours plus, flight) at the moment.  Any of my readers going?  I hope you really enjoy it.

Just FYI, my week has had some philatelic activity - if you look at the new online store you will see nearly 23,000 lots for sale. Never been a better time to fill a few gaps in your collection, now with over 9,000 GB listings:  with plenty of choices for quality and postmarks wherever I can.

Relax over the weekend for an hour and browse me at cddstamps, at

Have a great weekend   Michael with an updated page here to help you.

Monday, September 05, 2016

Hello everyone, another beautiful GB stamp today. SG 478 from the 1939 - 48 High Value George VI issue.

Since my last post when I commented that my new online store at Hipstamp would be for Great Britain only things have changed a bit. No sooner had I said that than I got an email saying that all Bidstart items would be moved to and that eventually Bidstart would be replaced by the new Hipstamp platform.

No problem as I think the new Hipstamp platform is looking very good. You certainly get a very clear and large image of the stamp(s) you are viewing.

Having said that I can now announce that cddstamps has 22,500 listings in our Hipstamp store. some 9000 GB alone. So much opportunity to fill a few gaps in your collection. And, I realise,  with the GB / USA exchange rate being so bad (for me) but good for you the prices are very competitive, and even more so on my recent listings which are priced on the current exchange rates.

Have a look, at cddstamps at, or just click here    If you need a copy of this high value  I have quite a few for sale, from good used to spacefillers with heavy parcel cancels - priced to suit all budgets I hope.

best wishes    Michael

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