cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, September 09, 2016

Hello everyone, TGIF, it has been a busy week and while looking through some boxes I found this cover with Miniature Sheet. I hope you like it.  It made me think that in a few days time the 2016 Autumn Stampex will open in London (14th to 17th of September)

I wish I could be there but it is just a bit too far (14 hours plus, flight) at the moment.  Any of my readers going?  I hope you really enjoy it.

Just FYI, my week has had some philatelic activity - if you look at the new online store you will see nearly 23,000 lots for sale. Never been a better time to fill a few gaps in your collection, now with over 9,000 GB listings:  with plenty of choices for quality and postmarks wherever I can.

Relax over the weekend for an hour and browse me at cddstamps, at

Have a great weekend   Michael with an updated page here to help you.


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