Hello, browsing the internet today I came across a site I have not read in a while and thought I would mention it to you - if Australia interests you - because it really is very good. Also it motivated me to think it is about time I listed some more Australia in the cddstamps Bidstart Store
The site is
Australian Commonwealth Stamp
Varieties Image Database 1913-2016
You can find it here. I think you will enjoy looking through a few of the pages. Extremely informative and excellent quality images.
As for the stamps shown above. They are SG 505 - 508 and from the 1972 "Famous Australians" (4th series) issue. The issue was only available in 70c or $1.40 booklets and the outer edge of the pane is imperforate. These from the bottom left of the booklet. No significant catalogue value but nice to collect a one of each from the booklet pane to collect a used "pane" if possible. I have many in stock so will be trying over the coming days to get some listed in the Bidstart Store.
As a competition, these four above will be a prize to the first correct answer, with mailing address, sent to cddstamps@gmail.com - How many postally valid stamps were there on a booklet pane?
Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes....Michael cddstamps.com with nearly 2000 Australia stock already listed in the Store here
Unfortunately the database index pages don't (by different shading) which years have entries and which don't. The first four years I clicked on had no images, suggesting the site was broken, which it isn't.
I finally found some by using the gallery and deciding that if that shows a KG6 koala definitive then that would probably be in the 1930s/40s.
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