cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, January 22, 2023

 Hello,    happy lunar new year to everyone.        gong hei fat choy.

So many  stamps being issued for the year of the rabbit.       I chose this one to show.  \Iit is  looking at you....  which I rather like.

best wishes. Hope you find time for your stamps.  

Michael  and our online shop here 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Hello,    I received a few stamps in the mail today.    How exciting!   I purchased one because I   just knew the colour was wrong.  I wrote previously (that Hong Kong stamp) about  sellers enhancing the colour of a stamp image.  Well here is a classic.

It is all very well saying buyer beware, perhaps buyer take care is more relevant.   If you doubt the  reality ask yourself is it what you want? or will you just know when you get the stamp it will be the  correct colour anyway? and you will be happy.   If the later do as I do and buy. If you are expecting a stamp you think will be worth a fortune because it is a colour variety that the seller has missed,  I suggest you think twice.

So this is just another example to show you and perhaps help in your thinking.  Oh! and one other thing.  

When the seller says,  and I quote.."  Very Sound..."   and does not show a reverse image, maybe,  just maybe,  you could question that, depending on the seller of course.   Although I will never write  "Very Sound" in descriptions of cddstamps  listings - I think it sounds rather false to be honest, it comes across as, trust me I am a stamp dealer and makes you think,  hmmmm maybe not  --  you can know, subject to us really having a bad day,  a Mint Never hinged stamp is just that.

Why did I tell you that?  Oh yes!, here is an image of the reverse of the Very Sound stamp, the reverse of the stamp on the right above. A new definition to Very Sound, one I am not aware of.

Enjoy your collecting.   Michael  cddstamps   

Monday, January 16, 2023

Real or not so real.......

Hello, something I think is important for collectors to know - there are sellers out there on the internet who have no integrity - in my view -   and will do anything to attract  collectors to buy from them.    By chance I came across this stamp.

Anyone with an ounce of knowledge will know this stamp was never issued in the colour or shade of brightness as shown.  Yes the seller has  "enhanced" the image.  Trickery,  a con artist?  you name it as you will.    If it looks to good to be true then it probably is not true.

This is my mint never hinged copy. Lovely stamp.   The colour is true as you would see it in person.

Oh and did I mention the seller said..... quote....β€œPicture for reference only”    end quote ......   Now would you buy from that that? I certainly hope no 

 Take care and be kind to real stamp dealers

Michael …. Please visit my online store    where I have some interesting aviation related covers and stamps.    and   if you can look for dealers that IPDA Members; accredited Internet Philatelic Dealers Association Members.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Hello, just in today.   Yes I am very happy, ...... especially about page 196   πŸ˜Š   

If you  collect Australia  and / or Australia States I highly recommend the catalogue.  It is excellent in every way, and with  plenty of relevant  material to read, especially the Condition Guide and all aspects  of the Technical Guide. 

It has been 4 years since the previous edition, or perhaps you have an even older edition?   Definiately time for an updated copy.

Enjoy...  Michael cddstamps    online store here with some nice  recent issues and more to be listing over the coming weeks.

Friday, January 06, 2023

Hello,  it crossed my mind,,,, did you make any philatelic New Year Resolutions??

here are mine................

- spend time helping stamp collectors understand the philatelic market place

- give collectors a wider choice of quality stamps in the cddstamps online store

- continue to add to my aviation collection

- don't forget Valentines day...........  πŸ˜‰

This one to say we just added some lovely Australia stamps to the online store.   and I bet there are many there you do not have.....  yet!!

visit us,  if only to enjoy looking.  We don't put up fuzzy, blurred images or damaged stamps.

 have a great day  Michael cddstamps

one of our recent  aviation stamps.    really nice don't you think.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year,   I do hope everyone is recovered from a wild night of partying and fireworks. We at cddstamps had a good time here in the Philippines.

Oh!  no wild night you say..  never mind there is next year!

But to stamps ...... and I am wondering, do you know about the new Ted Talks Stamps Forum.  A good place to hang out or just visit to  see some  interesting stamps  and ask questions on anything philatelic.     Here is the link

I know there are a few really good Forums out there but Ted  -  of the YouTube video fame - has started this one and he will be using it partly to  answer questions he gets in response to his videos and also for education and fun. All part of the learning curve for collectors.

And talking learning curve for collectors.  I really want to stress how relevant the mantra β€œKnowlege is Power:  really is.    You all know the expression -    but a quick digression - did you know it came originally from Francis Bacon in 1597 and he was saying, having and sharing knowledge is the cornerstone of reputation and influence and therefore power.  ( PS  No, it was not Jefferson who said it first,  he was a few hundred years later)

I am not looking for power as we use the word in modern language of course  and nor is Ted  but he and I both want to see stamp collectors be well informed and we believe our influence and reputation speaks for that.  

Such that collectors have the power to decide not to buy from the far too many crooks and con artists that are there on the internet marketplaces these days. If  collectors don’t have the knowledge they can  really get  taken for a financial ride, so to speak.  I am going to write more on this in this blog over the coming days and weeks – my new years resolution to do something to try to help collectors.

But for now, as a starter for ten,  why not visit  Ted's Forum and  get on board. All free just a simple sign up process.

See you there     Michael  … wanting to see collectors enjoy their hobby and not be held hostage to the buyer beware principle!

commemorative definitive decimal

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