cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hello, browsing the internet today I came across a site I have not read in a while and thought I would mention it to you - if Australia interests you - because it really is very good. Also it motivated me to think it is about time I listed some more Australia in the cddstamps Bidstart Store

The site is

Australian Commonwealth Stamp 

Varieties Image Database 1913-2016

You can find it here. I think you will enjoy looking through a few of the pages. Extremely informative and excellent quality images.

As for the stamps shown above. They are SG 505 - 508 and from the 1972 "Famous Australians" (4th series) issue.  The issue was only available in 70c or $1.40 booklets and the outer edge of the pane is  imperforate. These from the bottom left of the booklet. No significant catalogue value  but nice to collect a one of each from the booklet pane to collect a used "pane" if possible. I have many in stock so will be trying over the coming days to get some listed in the Bidstart Store.   

As a competition, these four above will be a prize to the first correct answer,  with mailing address, sent to   - How many postally valid stamps were there on a booklet pane? 

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes....Michael   with nearly 2000 Australia stock already listed in the Store here

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hello, Friday night, another week gone so fast. I hope you had a great week and found time for some stamps. Always a great way to relax I think.
Tonight a few more stamps from Montserrat:  This is the National Emblems set from 1985, SG 628 - 630,  and I chose it to show you because it has a lovely image of mangoes and a mango tree.  You are probably wondering why I would even think of this. Well so am I  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I enjoy my mango juice every morning so perhaps that is why. 
On a more serious note, this set and many more from Montserrat from the 1970's and 1980's are now available in the cddstamps Bidstart Store  Enjoy looking and perhaps you will be able to fill a gap in your collection. We hope so.
Have a great weekend..   Michael

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hello, I hope you enjoy seeing this, and the 150+ more I have listed today to the cddstamps Bidstart Store < click here for the Store..... cddstamps Store
This is the pair SG 338 and 338b. SG 338b has bottom bar of the surcharge omitted. Catalogued at £4.75.
This and most of the issues from the 1970's and 80s, including the overprints and surcharged issues are now in the Store. You can search by SG number or in most cases just type the topic in the "search store for" field, eg aircraft, and you will get all stamps I have tagged on that topic
Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes.. Michael

Hello, I hope you enjoy seeing this, and the 150+ more I have listed today to the cddstamps Bidstart Store < click here for the Store..... cddstamps Store >
This is the pair SG 338 and 338b. SG 338b has bottom bar of the surcharge omitted. Catalogued at £4.75.
This and most of the issues from the 1970's and 80s, including the overprints and surcharged issues are now in the Store. You can search by SG number or in most cases just type the topic in the "search store for" field, eg aircraft, and you will get all stamps I have tagged on that topic

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes.. Michael

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hello,  when I last wrote I said a few days before I posted from the Philippines. Well time has certainly passed by very quickly and a few days has turned into 20 something days.  Never mind, I am well and having had a wonderful few weeks with no internet I am now back online and with time to think about stamps.

One thing about moving is that one finds some of those lost philatelic materials you knew you had but couldn’t find.  These two se-tenant pairs were on an envelope I found  while unpacking  from the move.

I hope you like seeing them.  My catalogue only lists to end 2012 so I cannot give any catalogue details but these were issued for Valentines day 2013.

I will be writing more over coming days and weeks now and,  FYI, I have cddstamps back in action full time. Apology for slow responses to some emails and mailing of orders, but all caught up now.

Best wishes……..      Michael

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