cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hello,    Thomas the Tank Engine for a change, SG 3187, Catalogue SG  £1.00. VFU

 Just thought I would show something different. I have a few copies, Just found in a lot I sorted today. If you don't have this visit my Bidstart store  at  in a few days. I am listing more GB  2010 to 2013 issues, including this.

And when it comes to quality that is what you will find, well at least stamps that are accurately described.

For example I have this but will not list it for sale because it has minor creasing  seen on reverse and really is a space filler in my view even with a decent catalogue value.  SG 597

This is the De La Rue  printing with SG catalogue value of £5    If you want this send me an email with your address and I will send for free to 10th email.  

Enjoy your stamps


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hello,  well a few days have shot past, partly because I have been sorting the stamps I picked up in Hong Kong last weekend. Hope you like this set. I have a few and have decided to give one set away to the first 5 orders I receive in my Bidstart Store if you send me an email and mention you saw this Blog.  This is the 1997 set issued to commemorate the establishment of Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.  SG  900 - 905,  Catalogue value is  £2.10

you can find my store at

I have loaded 390 items (all Hong Kong) over past few hours (taken me a few days to get them ready of course).   I think you will find these are a  rather lovely selection and at very affordable prices.  Many harder to get higher value items as well.  Just type the SG number of the stamp you are looking for  in the Search Store For field.

Over the next few days I will be loading more, mostly definitives. Got a few hundred to sort so it will keep me busy.

Have a great weekend..  Michael  

 oh, and have a look at this page -  it is new and may be useful to you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hello,   just back from Hong Kong and of course while there, as I may have mentioned the last time I wrote, I visited the Mong Kok stamp arcade. Wonderful few hours spent looking through the little shops there. I even managed to pick up a few stamps. Just a few :-)    will show tomorrow. Tonight a couple of pictures of the place. Two floors of many dealers. As I say, wonderful time. Do go there if you are ever in Hong Kong.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hi, thought I would show a better ( I hope) image of the Banknote issue I wrote about yesterday, with gutter pairs.

And for those who might enjoy seeing early Rhodesia (1965 - 70 I am listing 60 lots mostly MUH in my Bidstart Store. Just type Rhodesia in the "Search Store For"  field.

I will be away in Hong Kong for a few days from tomorrow.  Will write again next week. Have a great weekend.

Enjoy..  Michael

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hi,     I managed to get this FDC yesterday. Stunning in my view. This MS shows the the first banknote issued by the Commonwealth of Australia in May 1913.  The stamps were issued at the Melbourne World Stamp Expo last Saturday. I went to the opening day on the Friday. Excellent show. Cannot recall if I already told you that but will show some more new Australia issues over coming days.

This MS has the 60c stamp showing the numbering ceremony in 1913, and the $2.60 stamp ( our overseas postage rate for small letter) showing the Australian Coat of Arms as it appears on the first banknote, number M000001.

I will use this $2.60 stamp ( not the MS) on the first 10 orders from my Bidstart Store. more if I can get more

Enjoy..  Michael

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hi,    been a few days since I wrote but not a few days without thinking about stamps. Received this image today.  Lovely issue and lovely MS I think. Hope it is clear to see. Will look out for a copy this coming week as am in Hong Kong. Anyone collect thematic of building / architecture let me know and maybe I can get you a copy if you in exchange for something?? or just payment?

Have been busy busy busy with sorting and listing on Bidstart. I know I keep telling you this but with 4100 plus lots listed you cannot fail to get some good material to fill the gaps in your collection. If you collect Fiji for example just type Fiji in the "Search Store For"  box and all Fiji I have listed so far is there for you to browse.  I have a good selection of countries now.. Try me eh!!!   Of course if you know the SG number just type the SG number and if I have the stamp listed it will display.

I also noted today that I have readers from 90 countries.  Welcome to all of you and thanks for reading my Blog. I will try to start a new theme over coming week. Something  that I hope will interest you all.  Keep reading.
And,  as I say, if you have a few gaps in your collection and just want to buy the odd stamp, not the full set, or so called kiloware  just have a look at my store.. enjoy window shopping if nothing else

Best wishes............   Michael

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hi,    Sundays are made for rest and my rest was sorting more Fiji stamps.  some nice stamps from the 70's and 80's, before they got too commercialised and became pretty picture stickers. If you know what I mean.

The above issued in 1977 to Commemorate the 21st Anniversary of Fiji Hibiscus.   Sounds like an offbeat anniversary but hey the stamps are rather nice I think. Catalogue value is £0.90. MUH for a set of stamps issued 36 years ago, Just goes to show not a lot of investment opportunity in such issues. I did find some though with much higher catalogue values.  But all the same, nice to have in a collection, maybe a Fiji collection or a thematic collection.  And of course these are in my Bidstart store :-)    enjoy

Best wishes.. Michael

Friday, May 10, 2013

Hello,  am back from Melbourne and the opening day, yesterday, of the World Stamp Expo 2013. What an excellent day it was. Met up with some people I had only had email contact with previously, visited many standholders, and, made a few purchases, well one is so tempted.

Hope you like seeing the above special limited edition MS. Only 250 copies  of this special show souvenir prepared by the organising committee. This is the intaglio MS (stamp imperf) overprinted with the Australia 2013 show logo in red. There was one also overprinted in gold, again limited edition of 250 and I was also able to get one of those. Nice souvenir collectibles I think.

Wonderful day and if you are in Melbourne I would encourage you to find a few hours to visit the show.

Have a great weekend

Michael, and of course

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Hello, all ready for tomorrow and my visit to the Australia 2013 World Stamp Expo in Melbourne. Done my reading and research and know which stands will be my priority.  Printed off the Stand layout  and realise there are many that I really want to spend time at ..   lets see what time I have since the show opens to the public at 12:00 and I have a 6pm flight back to Sydney.   I plan to be there early to see if I can get some of the special release from Australia Post. Can but only try. So early to bed tonight as I have a 7:30 flight. Hope to have some pictures for you in coming days

 Michael  and of course

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Hi, well everyone seems to be writing about the anniversary of the issue of the Penny Black. So hey why not add to that thread.  I wanted to show you my special copy, with  the letters MD, but true to form I cannot find it. It is somewhere in my study, filed in pages and / or  boxes of stamps. Oh how disorganized am I.

Never mind. It is there somewhere, so this one from my very poor collection. But I do like the letters. BB,    don't you. Think about it :-)  Not as good as JA  but that is in my friends collection. :-)  Private comment of course :-)

Yes in 1840, this wonderful stamp was issued. what progress and regress we have made since then. Some wonderful designs on stamps and then again some awful design, if you can even call them designs.  But lets look on the positive side as I think the good far outweigh the bad. And anyway, collecting them is the good and fun part after all. And so relaxing and good for our peace of mind.

Enjoy your stamps...  Michael

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Hello,     hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, sorting stamps maybe?  as I am. And I came across these. ( thanks for sending this to me :-)   you know who you are .... How lovely ... yes and the stamps too........

A se-tenant pair of SG 1760/61 issued in December 2005 I believe.

Why don't Postal administrations produce stamp designs like his anymore?

Best wishes ....Michael   www.cddstamps  and of course at 


Thursday, May 02, 2013

Hi, nothing special tonight other than I got a reply to my posting last night (a thank you  has been mailed to you today) and wanted to share it with you all..   really good website if you are looking for information on New Zealand stamps. Like I was.. Best wishes.. Michael

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Hi,  tonight your chance to help me. I have been sorting New Zealand.  Some lovely stamps. Found these three and yet cannot, no matter how slowly and diligently I try, I just cannot  find them in my SG Stamps of the World catalogue.

Anyone help? SG number please?  email me at may even send a thank you present if you include your mailing address. :-)

Many thanks.. and enjoy the stamps    ...Michael

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