cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Hello, I have come to the conclusion, after minutes of thought :-) that I really only enjoy seeing the older - lets say pre 1960  - stamp designs,  To me they just had more artistic and design character. I was looking through Canada stock today ( yes it was raining again!!) and it seemed to me that as soon as I got to the 1970 material I started to lose interest.  Sad really, as the later issues have a much higher catalogue value then the earlier issues. Well so it appears to me. I will be listing more Canada items  on Bidstart over coming days, mostly the higher cat values as I assume everyone has the easy to find lower priced copies.  This is SG 366 and has a catalogue value of   £16.00... now that surprised me.   have you got a copy? check out my Bidstart store (seller id michaelatcddstamps)  if you want one.  But more importantly do you know the scene.  Quite beautiful, I have been there. For a surprise prize,  to 5th correct answer, write to me and tell me the view. with your mailing address please.

Best wishes.. Michael


At 6:30 AM, Blogger Cees Prins said...

Michael, is that a good site to sell Bidstart?
Use Delcampe or our local Marktplace(Marktplaats) and so now and then Ebay.
Greetings, from also a rainy Netherlands. (Wetherlands)


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