cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hello, been another busy week with no time for stamps I am afraid. I think it will be like this for a while now. I am off to Hong Kong in the morning, back Good Friday, then back there again after the Easter weekend for three months with occasional weekend trips back to Sydney. So apology for not writing much over coming months. I will try and maybe get some time to visit some HK stamp dealers.

Just a reminder my Charity Auction on eBay closes in two days. 4 flown yes really flown A380 inauguaral flight covers - signed by crews as well. All of the winning bid proceeds go to Charity.. the Qantas Pathfinders - a committee based in the Qantas community which raises funds for the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.
Have a look at A380 eBay auction listing or if that doesn't work check out my listing under id michaelatcddstamps or listing 250600365435

Best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, March 20, 2010

4 Qantas A380 flown inaugural flight covers Charity Auction

Hello, just thought you might like to know these 4 covers are on eBAY.. AND all of the winning bid proceeds go to Charity.. the Qantas Pathfinders - a committee based in the Qantas community which raises funds for the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.

see eBAY item 250600365435 at least have a look and enjoy looking at the covers and reading about them :-) signed by flight crews I might add

Also if you haven't had time.. I hope you enjoy my new website

Best wishes and hope this find everyone well.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Philippines Greeting Stamp FDC

Hello, yes I am back in Sydney after a very busy 2 weeks in Manila. What a great place that is. Working I might add and in various places, so saw a lot more from taxi journeys than I had seen before. Was in Malate the first week.. I like the area is alive, and then Makati, which in many ways is like downtown Singapore or KL. Anyway I did not forget my stamps although had no time to write, but a few hours on my last day to visit the Central Post Office in Makati and thus this cover.

Hope you like it.. it could be yours... if you are the first email to me at and can tell me when (the year will do) FILIPINAS first appeared on their stamps.

Best wishes... have a great weekend...Michael

Saturday, March 06, 2010

out of town

Hello, sorry not written lately.. I am out of town (in Manila actually) and unlikely to be able to write much for a few weeks until I get back to Sydney. Please do come back though and see if I survive...maybe with some local stamps even!!

Best wishes..... enjoy your stamps... Michael

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!