cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

where is this

I picked up a presentation pack last this airport departure area...... here is one stamp...... edited of course.. what a great airport........... where is it.. :-)

oh for Kingsford Smith to be even half as good as this airport, or Heathrow Terminal 4, or LAX, or.. the list goes on.. although.. credit where credit is due, the Post Office in Kingsford Smith International is pretty good.. excellent staff I have to say..

no prize for guessing.. just to amuse you :-)


Monday, March 30, 2009

Poles and Glaciers

Hello, I happened to be in a Post Office the other day and saw this cover. Rather nice I thought. Anyone have glaciers as a thematic?

This issue is part of a world-wide initiative involving over 30 national postal administrations. The stamp issue highlights the importance of earth's poles and glaciers and how they are threatened by global warming. Correctly name the two countries that initiated the stamp issue and this cover is yours. Please send email to me at and please include your mailing address. First correct answer wins the cover.

Enjoy your stamps .......Michael

Saturday, March 28, 2009

a new blog

Hello, first congratulations to Pablo, who correctly identified the country I said I might next be travelling to. It is Vietnam.. have another look at what I wrote. The answer is there :-)

I was browsing tonight and came across a new blog. Not sure how long it has been around.. well I've been sort of out of touch with so much these past months... it is Ian Norvic's blog. Excellent. Do have a look. Maybe he will get round to linking to me soon :-) I will to him of course

Question: who can keep up with all the new issues from Royal Mail? I am at a loss to be honest.
Best wishes.. enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm Back...........

in Sydney that is, and yes writing as well. The last 5 weeks have been rather hectic to say the least. Hope you are still looking at this site :-)

I was in Singapore the other day and with a few hours to spare between flights I decided to visit the post office in the terminal I was in. Found these and thought you might like to see them. A lovely Singapore local post booklet.

will try to write more regularly in coming days and weeks. I have no travel planned until 18th April.... dare I be tempting fate by saying that :-) As a prize.... I will send this booklet to the first person who can tell me what country I am likely to be travelling to. email me at and please include your postal address....if you guess the country you deserve the booklet..

Very clever person will get
it i am sure
even if they have to
think hard and say
now why would he be going there
another airline
maybe :-)

Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!