cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, December 29, 2007

would you believe this if I told you....

Hi.. if I told you this existed you would not believe me.. so go look at

now tell me you don't have to be careful when shopping on auction sites.

I will add it would be a fool and and moron fool that would bid on this but.. but .. well I guess there could be one around

now go look at my website and the new flight covers I have made, to be flown on 31st December down to the Antarctic. Just enjoy...

Best wishes.. isn't this fun.. if you have a really out of this world eBay listing.. email me the link and if I use it in an article I will send a free cover of some sort to you...

Best wishes.. Michael

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hello everyone...........

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.. no snow here but it was not as hot as I remember past Christmas's being.. all the better if you ask me.. easier to work with stamps and less heat stroke cutting the paddocks

I have to say I have had some time to work on stamps.. and in particular preparing some GB lots for sales.. special offers to you and readers of my web site. easier than eBay given these are bulk lots .. and while I may get more selling on eBay I offset the added costs to get a deal for you and a deal for me.

Same goes for my flight covers.. and do I have a special for you this time.. have a look at this is my Antarctic flight cover. If you collect Antartica or Pengins on stamps or WWF on stamps or even aircraft on stamps you might enjoy viewing these covers.

Covers to be flown on the one (this year) Qantas sightseeing flight on 31 December to Antarctica.

Will try to write more in coming days.. Best wishes... enjoy your stamps... Michael
PS limited number of covers .. only 4 of these I might add.. so have a look and reserve your order now.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thank you...........

Hello everyone, and to all who helped make this possible a big thank you.
As soon as I get the receipt from the hospital of the winning bidders choice I will be showing it here
Merry Christmas.. enjoy your stamps …….Michael

Winning bid: US $610.00
No payments for 3 months Apply

Ended: Dec-22-07 01:00:00 PST
Shipping costs: To Australia -- Free
Other Int'l Shipping (see description)
Service to Australia
(more services)

Ships to: Worldwide
Item location: Dural, New South Wales, Australia
History: 26 bids

Winning bidder: barkermich ( 1212 )


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

raising money for the Children's Hospitals

I said final last night but I changed my mind.. only two days to go to the end of the auction of the cddstamps covers signed by the Cabin Crew..

and this picture.. hey I liked it.. me and one of the crew getting my flight certificate on the Sin - Syd sector.

Thank you for your contribution........ go on, bid.. a very special First Flight Cover
best wishes... Michael

Monday, December 17, 2007

Hello everyone... some of you will recall that I lived in Toronto for close to 15 years but was lucky enough to come to Sydney for 2 years........ 17 years ago ... hey it does not snow here... but to stamps.. ''
I am told there is a lot of snow in Toronto right now and this young guy was walking down Yonge Street.. I find that hard to believe,.. surely he would have been on Bloor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... far more trendy so for all of you non Torontonians they are they two main streets..
Send me your Christmas stamps. the above from Jane in Toronto, because, as she says to me, it is snowing there..big time.

And please don't forget my eBay auction for the crew signed A380 first flight cover.... go on please read previous text and bid generously.. not for me but for the children

Enjoy your stamps... best wishes .. Michael

Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Competition Winners

Hello everyone, I am pleased to say the winner was...

ok let me say thanks first to all who entered.. best ever number of entries.. Hope you all enjoyed the research and found some interesting names and even time to read about them.. You have a Christmas party trick up your sleeve now.. .. did you know that it was / is blah blah's birthday today.. when you are looking for some topic of conversation at a Christmas day party ok maybe not

Anyway, well done Alvin from the USA... 343 names.. a couple I did not know and a runner up to Lea, also USA. with 311.

I give honourable mentions to the following, Irene ( Australia - 225), Mark (USA - 223), Carol (USA-217), Jaison (United Arab Emirates 208) and Jane (Canada 207). well done everyone.
Just quickly.. have you lookd at

Please do.. My flown on the A380 First Flight cover.. signed by many of the Cabin Crew..... being auctioned for childen's charity. At least read the listing please.

and if you want some entertainment look at another A380 "Flight Cover" sic.. which has a picture of a 2 engine plane on it, plus a stamp with some old plane on it.. no idea where the A380 bit comes in. I think the home made handstamp!!! ha ha ha ha...

Have a great weekend.. Enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Thursday, December 13, 2007

too many late nights

and no time for stamps, or blogging.

Hello everyone. Christmas season is upon us.. all we miss is the snow here in Sydney.

Lots of houses on my drive home with lovely Christmas lights. Just no snow. oh how I miss the snow :-) send me your favourite stamp or stamps that show some snow scenes..maybe I'll find a nice cover to give away.

My lastest eBay auction.. have you seen it.. an A380 signed by the cabin crew first flight cover...the winning bid amount goes to Charity. All of it as I am paying all other costs. Please have a look.. at ebay and seller "michaelatcddstamps" ...please tell every friend you have ..lets do something special for the children....
Best wishes .. enjoy your stamps.... Michael

Friday, December 07, 2007

Where have I been you ask...........

well...... I have been no where.. I have had no internet access at home all week.. do you want the saga.. No, I thought not...

Am on office laptop with wireless connection to tell you I am still on the planet.. just in case you were wondering.. You weren't... shucks....... :-)

Current service estimate is next week.......................... I recommend you read previous articles again :-)

Have a better weekend than me!!! will write as soon as I can..... enjoy your stamps.... Michael

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas Competition ---- part II

wow... so many Christmas competition entries already.. I hope you enjoyed the research

Todays stamps.. something from Portugal, I read this in a Sydney paper.. a stamp made of cork... can anyone send me a copy on a letter ? please ...... that would be real nice present to get for Christmas... and I would like to see how it travels through the postal cancellation machines
my address is PO BOX 3482, Dural NSW 2158, Australia.

Best wishes.. enjoy your stamps.. how can you not I wonder.. Michael

Saturday, December 01, 2007

cdstamps Christmas competition

Hello everyone, time for the cddstamps Christmas Competition.... this is the prize, a presentation pack of the Australia Christmas stamps.. both the stamps and a miniature sheet... lovely presentation I thought.

Entries will be accepted until 14th December .. I will mail out the prize soon after, in time for you to receive the prize before Christmas... a nice present I hope.

To win you have to list the most name of famous people who have their birthday on December 25th. If a tie with numbers of famous people named, then the email date stamp of the entry will be deciding factor, that is, first entry with highest number of names will win. So get your entries in early, Ok.

email me at and please include your mailing address; if you don't and you win I cannot mail the stamps to you and next highest number with their mailing addres will win.
Best wishes.. enjoy your stamps... Michael

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