cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, December 29, 2006

cost of collecting news issues

Hello, if you read my Christmas competition you will have seen the question I posed about how many new issues / stamps did the Royal Mail (Great Britain) release in 2006. Frivolous question I know but my answer was; no one knows because no one has had time to count.. well I am sure Royal Mails knows, and Stanley Gibbons and others .. but as far as I am concerned I don't know.

Yesterday I got my copy of Stamp News Australia - good magazine I might add -and in it was an article about how 2006 was a record breaking year for new stamp releases and variations issued by Australia Post.

Seems that if you had been rich enough to afford them all you would have paid $1901.30 to acquire 1 copy of each variation. Probably could sell at a good profit too I might add so I am not totally against collecting them if you have time, patience and lots of disposable income.

Some further details. There were 352 variations issued... and 29 stamp issues with 215 stamps... Just collecting 1 copy of each new issue would have set you back $282.20. all in Australian dollars but hey still a lot of money and that is excluding the cost of the albums to safely store them in.

The article was written by David Mallen, and all credit to him for his excellent study and presentation of the detail. He is the author of the Australian Stamp Variation Catalogue. I note also he is offering a free copy of his Variation Statistics - email

So why do I not collect new issues from Australia. You guessed. Why am I stopping collecting - after the Beatles issue - ok so I am sentimental too - new issues from Royal Mail.. for the same reason.. It is just too expensive. (Although I have to admit I still collect Machins - I just cannot stop myself on that one.

I read somewhere some statistics from the US that for the Elvis issue some 140 million Elvis stamps are held in collections.. awesome.. I think I have remembered that right..

anyway.. back to my search for those elusive GB George V downey heads variations

Am off to London in a few hours.. will try to write from there with any news I can glean from the UK scene.. am having a beer (or two) with Machin Man himself so expect some good stories - I may even be able to write to you about some of them

Best wishes.. Happy New Year to you all.. see you in 2007!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Norfolk Island - Seabirds

Hello everyone.. something quite beautiful tonight,, I got this in my copy of Australian Stamp magazine.. what lovely picture.. / Miniature sheet

Hope you enjoy it. If you collect birds on stamps send me an email to and tell me the names of at least 5 of the other 10 Territories of Australia

Anyone collect stamps from any of these territories?? send me some scans of any stamps you have, if you do, and I'll show them to everyone else..

Just a reminder.. I leave for London in two days.. less actually, so if you want me to get any GB for you while I am there please email me soon.. I doubt I will be online after 24 hours from time of this posting.. at least until I get to London, and then I am going to a dinner party on New Years eve so probably won't be online LOL

and please send me your mailing address if you want stamps mailed from the UK

Happy New Year to everyone.. .. enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hello, well the Christmas Holiday is over... back to work and how wonderful to drive with so little traffic. thinking stamps all the way.. yeah sure!!! but I did think of this stamp that I saw in a magazine today.. all that snow.. and skis... memories although I never skied in a costume like that .... I like this .. something different and it reminded me of a Christmas Island design...............

I went to the Post Office today to see if I could get some of the Christmas Island Christmas issue to show you.... no luck.. all sold out.. if ever they had some.. So I have not seen this years issue. Have you??

As for mailing stamps.. I mailed 20 envelopes today.. including prize winners for the cddstamps Christmas Competition.. thanks to all who entered.. we had 11 countries represented.. and many more entries.. sorry you all could not get a prize.. although I did send a few extra runner up prizes.... and I did get some excellent stamps for my Childrens Corner box.. so thanks to you all.

I owe one person some stamps.. Igor in Russia.. I don't have his address and I have had a reject from his email.. anyone know him??? please email.. I feel bad not sending him a fair exchange for what he sent me...

I leave for London in three days so will have little time for the blog... I will try to write when there.. if anyone wants any GB stamps mailed to them just let me know before I leave and please make a donation to my paypal account to cover my costs.. always happy to help out.. and anyway I will be at a Post Office for my own collecting interests.

Enough for now... best wishes.. enjoy your stamps.. Michael

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas stamps.. again.. :-)

Hello everyone.. and again.. Merry Christmas.. wherever you are and whether you celebrate Christmas or not I hope you had a wonderful day.. I checked eBay today.. haven't been on in ages.. saw a few stamps that I might bid on.. been a while so why not end the year with a little present to myself.. you too, as long it is not the same stamp I am bidding on

As for Christmas stamps I wanted to show you these.

Rather nice don't you think.. I was going to write something about Christmas stamps... then I saw a posting from the Yahoo group - PhilatelicMadnessSyndrome ... - you know it I guess.. a great group and so informative.. (well done Jim) anyway, I thought yes, I should mention it in case you have not seen the article.. it refers to a Wikipedia link.. Christmas Stamps do have a look it is such a good read.. although I have also found from reading other blogs I am not the first to mention this.. all the same, if you haven't come across this in your readings it is well worth a read..

As for the Cocos( keeling) Island set above.. first correct answer to the following will win these.. In what year did Australia issue its first Christmas stamp email me and please include your mailing address..

Have a wonderful Christmas week... best wishes.. Michael

Friday, December 22, 2006

some great blogs .. and more

Hello everyone... Friday night.. Christmas in a few days.. I can sleep in tomorrow.. and then have 4 days off work.. much as I really enjoy what I do I also really like the idea of 4 days away from the city.

some time for stamps maybe

I have been catching up on some email and reading others blogs.. you maybe read them more then me - my time is limited these days - and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

see my links for these - in the left hand bar -

-- Stamp Collecting Roundup .. Brilliant.. you must read this blog...

-- My Philately.. again excellent . so very informative, along with AKPhilately

-- Look at my other two favourites, Novic Philately and Machin Mania. Such good web sites .. you won't find many around with this quality of detail and presentation. in my view.

also look at my one other of my covers favourites..

New FDCs Coming Soon some lovely new FDCs coming soon.

Tell me of others you know, if you think you know sites that are equal or better.

And finally.. I have decided to give away all the material that has accumulated as "not won prizes" this past year.. a few - yes honestly.. .. to the 25th email ( well it is Chritsmas) to fill in the missing words / numbers etc

The miniature sheet carries a £3.00 Machin Definitive and reproductions of 1d stamps (one penny ) definitives issued during the reigns of the three monarchs.

The sheet was designed by ????? ??????? of Together Design and printed by ?? ?? ??? in gravure. It measures ??? mm x ?? mm

Not that hard if you think about it .. and maybe there is a clue on my website
email me at will keep this open until I leave for UK in 7 days time.

Will try to show some new stamps over coming days.. best wishes and Merry Christmas ........... Michael

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas is 7 days away

so I will start by wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas holiday season and while I realise not everyone participates in Christmas as I do.. shrimps on the barbie and sun bathing with a glass or two...or three... of my favourite beverage - I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, however or wherever you and your families are.

I am hoping I get, as my Christmas present, some time to spend with my stamps but am not sure that will happen.. time will tell.. and for you to keep visiting this blog.. even if occassionally.. you never know what you might miss I will try to keep writing over the coming weeks.. and will definately get the prizes mailed to all of you who entered the cddstamps Christmas Competition. In recognition that I have not done my Christmas cards this year I am sending a prize to every entry.. shucks dont you wish you entered .. still maybe time.. ok visit me at CDDSTAMPS if you have only just found this blog.

Stamps news.. well the stamps I showed a week back were from Gibralter.. no one got it...... amazing..... obviously no one from Gibralter is reading my blog.. hey if you have a stamp friend in Gib please tell them.. please.... ...must be the only country where I am not read...

As for the Beatles stamps and covers.. .. you just have to look at these.. see previous article.. and also look at another really good web site.. I know Ian and can say you will get a great deal from him... and his site is so informative as well.

Anyone already placed their orders for the Beatle stamps I wonder?? Do let me know.. it will be a while before I get mine.. and if you have ordered any special covers I would really appreciate it if you sent me a scan.. I will show others..

Now for a giveaway.. these Maxi Cards were issued by Australia Post in 2002..

still in their packing.. free to first correct answer.. to the following .........

There were 6 stamps issued by the Royal Mail (Great Britain) for their Christmas issue.. the values were 2nd, 1st, 72p and £1.19p .... What were the other two values issued

Never issued before, for Christmas stamps, I might add.

I look forward to hearing from you... just email me at

Best wishes,., have a great Christmas .. I will try to write over the next few weeks with a surprise or two.. Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Friday, December 15, 2006

back again....................

Hello everyone.. stamps.. oh yeah.. I used to collect and read and write about them.. until.... work... home and other stuff got in the it has this past week.. and I don't think it will ease over the next month. I do hope to get some stamps from the countries I am going to visit over the next 4 weeks.. and if you come back mid to end of January you might enjoy them

Until then...... I know the Beatles stamps will be isued in the UK next month.. check out Buckingham Covers and their offers..

The Beatles covers are issued on 16th January 2007 and costs £9.95 unsigned or £24.95 signed by Pete Best (The 5th Beatle).

To order, call 01303 278137, go online at Buckingham Covers or write to Buckingham Covers, FREEPOST SEA 8889, FOLKESTONE, Kent CT20 2BR (no stamp needed). Cheques should be made out to “Buckingham Covers”. These will be big sellers .. well I think so.. you tell me...

Also, I am sorry I have not written this week..... .Please don't give up on me what with the cricket (when will England get a break .. ok ok ok 2067 maybe .......and business Christmas parties.. ( well one has to go don't one !!! ) and my daughters smashing up my cars.. life is a drag at times.. and thank your god for stamps I say ... so non stressful...

enjoy your stamps.. best wishes.... Michael

Saturday, December 09, 2006

.. stamps from which country.. ????

Hello everyone.. yes I have been away again.. had hoped to write from my hotel room but the internet connection was 28.8..... so was taking 3 minutes to load a page.. I gave up and went for a drink instead.. well why waste value drinking time I said to myself

So to stamps.. and I am going to try and incorporate all my ideas of the past few days into one writing tonight..

first.. amazing time in history.. in the hear 2304 who was born.. yes you have to be a star trek fan to know this one..

second, who was born in the year 1608.. and a brilliant writer I might add.. wrote something very well known.. Paradise Lost.. I only thought of him because I lost my paradise this week. I was in Melbourne and got pick pocketed.. and lost all my credit cards, drivers licence, office security card and fly buys card.. ( big loss that one ha ha) ...well credit cards are paradise aren't they oh, and the key to my hotel.. I was a bit upset.. to tell you the truth.. .. but I lost nothing really as all cards were quickly cancelled.. the hotel gave me a new key and I slept well.. on the free bottle of wine they gave me to help me relax.. the good news is I cannot spend any money.. well nearly cannot spend any money .. ok you are wondering where this is going arn't you.. well I found this lovely FDC on a web site and wanted to buy it.. no credit card though.. so pick pocketed my wifes visa card.. put it back of course before she knew.. and managed to buy the FDC.. got two .. may give one away in due course.. but you have to tell me from which country did I buy the cover.. and you have to correctly answer the two earlier questions.. send answers to will keep this open for a week or two... will select a correct answer at random from those that enter OK

OK, so you want a clue for the country I bought the cover from I will make it easy for you.. I'll show you some stamps from that country.. here they are..... dont't like them myself.. too plain.. don't you think.....

I look forward to hearing from you.. and also.. I send apology for any unanswered emails.. Am a bit behind on my email..

Have a great weekend.. enjoy your stamps.. best wishes.. Michael ....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

nearly 80 years old...............

no not me ... .......... this envelope..
and I really have not had time to look at it in any details.. I found it tonight in a box of covers.. had it for a few years no doubt.. anyone interested in it,., free to who someone who will enjoy owning it,.. just write me at cddstamps@gmail and tell me why you want it.... if I get more than one email I find a way of chosing who gets it..

News announcements: ipda website update.. IPDA cddstamps website updated.. CDDSTAMPS time left for stamps after reading all this internet material.. enjoy your stanmps.. best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, December 02, 2006

FirstDay Covers and .. a new Blog on GB Machins

Hello, I have been reading a website I think you will enjoy.. it is for Cover collectors. I occassionally go to see what is there, especially looking for A380 material. I think the Singapore Airlines maiden commercial flight with passengers is now planned for September 2007, but thought I'd have a look to see what Buckingham covers had. Yep, all sold out.. I found out why.. they have specialist Aviation collectors groups and they obviously give members the opportunity to sign up early. Given the aircraft should have been flying in commercial service for Singapore by now it is not surprising I guess.

Anyway,. have a look at Buckingham Covers ...brilliant site, even if you don't collect covers have a browse .. look at the Coming Soon section.. a page to book mark I think... and the Clubs section if you do collect a topic... I found this cover for sale .. the older we get the more the 10 year plus anniversaries start to happen.. Lovely cover don't you think.. and hey.. don't I wish we had this aircraft flying between Sydney and London...

Now to a new blog.. this is great - well I wouldn't show it if it wasn't, now would I and one of the reasons it is great is because it is written by the Machin Man himself.. apart from the fact he knows his stuff, he has a talent for layout and composition and use of colour.. ... he doesn't know I am writing this and he may not even read it but I'll tell him later he owes me a beer or two when I next get to London .. in a four weeks time mate!!!!. Have a look at Machin Mania ...and even if you don't collect GB Machins I highly recommend you have a read .. you will learn so much and find the material interesting I think. I'll add the link to my favourite links section so you can easily access it in the future.

Back to stamps.. got a lot of mail to catch up on.. prizes to pack from past week.. if you are waiting on something.. that quick visit to Kuala Lumpur this past week has put me behind... and thanks for your emails.. everyone named the city.. too easy .. best wishes.. Michael

Friday, December 01, 2006

did you miss me.... ;-)

Hello .. well my week started like this.. got to work Monday morning.. saw email saying I had to be in meetings in "major city" on Tuesday / talk to these people on Wednesday etc.... rushed back home.. packed a bag and flew out that night.... I thought of stamps while there of course..... well you do dont you.. and even found a Post Office.. asked for a FDC.. didn't have any.. it was pouring rain.. as it can do there at this time of year.. well at least any stamps I would have bought didn't get wet!!! I didn't try to find another Post Office... didn't have the time anyway.. so I have no special Cover for you.. which is a shame.. I do have these stamps.. I had them in one of my many boxes of lose stamps..

will send 100 world mix to 10th correct answer.. to what major city did I fly into . and out of I might add... pretty nice place as well.. so.. no stamps other than that this week.... think I'll go and get some sleep.. dont like red eye flights

Hope your week was good.. enjoy your stamps.. Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!