cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Norfolk Island - Seabirds

Hello everyone.. something quite beautiful tonight,, I got this in my copy of Australian Stamp magazine.. what lovely picture.. / Miniature sheet

Hope you enjoy it. If you collect birds on stamps send me an email to and tell me the names of at least 5 of the other 10 Territories of Australia

Anyone collect stamps from any of these territories?? send me some scans of any stamps you have, if you do, and I'll show them to everyone else..

Just a reminder.. I leave for London in two days.. less actually, so if you want me to get any GB for you while I am there please email me soon.. I doubt I will be online after 24 hours from time of this posting.. at least until I get to London, and then I am going to a dinner party on New Years eve so probably won't be online LOL

and please send me your mailing address if you want stamps mailed from the UK

Happy New Year to everyone.. .. enjoy your stamps.. Michael


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