cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, June 27, 2016

Hello,  this will be cddstamps final post from Hong Kong. In a few days we will be posting from the Philippines, where we are moving to. This also to let you know that all cddstamps stock is being packed and so we will have to delay the sending of any orders for about 5 days. Apology for that delay but it does not stop you from visiting the store and placing orders.

We hope you like the Miniature sheet shown above. This will be included as a gift to the next order received.

Thank you for reading cddstamps, visiting the store and reading the website


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

With only 8 days to my next move - Hong Kong to the Philippines - I am still packing and finding the odd material I think might be useful in other peoples collections. This block of 6; SG 831b from the 1970 Decimal Machin issue with the values redrawn (tiny scratch it seems on middle left stamp and typical condition for parcel used).

Sadly these stamps do not scan well but rest assured they look ok in real life. If this interests you and you send the first email to me at with your mailing address of course it is yours for free. I will add one new condition so I share these free stamps - please only reply if you have not received a previous free offer in recent weeks.

Best wishes...Michael

Monday, June 13, 2016

Hi, well done to all who entered last nights competition. First email came from Tony in the UK. Prize is on its way.

More giveaways tonight - I am moving in a few weeks (leaving Hong Kong and relocating to Philippines so a biggish move) and doing some cleaning up as I pack - nothing special in these maybe - I have not studied them in detail. Most are without gum and no obvious postal cancel.  A 1/2p pairs are Mint unhinged.  No idea where I got them from but looks like they go back to early 1970s. Nothing of great value but perhaps useful for someone as they are free to the third email to me at if you include an address I can mail them to.

If I find more while cleaning up and before I mail them I will add them to this small selection.

Enjoy your stamps

Michael -  where you can easily and cheaply fill some gaps in your collection at a competitive price.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Birthday celebrations are being held this weekend for Queen Elizabeth II; her official birthday that is, not her actual birthday which was in April.

Edward VII, who reigned from 1901 to 1910, was born in November. He celebrated officially in May or June because there was less chance of it being cold and drizzly during the outdoor event.
Then the Queen's father, George VI, whose birthday was in December, reintroduced the tradition of an official birthday, which Elizabeth II has continued.
George VI had his official birthday on the second Thursday of June. In 1959, after several years on the throne, the Queen changed it to the second Saturday for convenience.
It can now be on either the first or the second, and sometimes the third Saturday of the month and is marked by Trooping the Colour carriage and horse procession in central London and a fly-past over Buckingham Palace.
The above is a Miniature sheet I found this afternoon – it gave me the idea to write this along with a competition – the winner will receive it.
Send me the answer to the following – what was the face value of the stamps that were on the First Day of Issue cover for the first Wilding Definitives issued in 1952?
Email me at   PLEASE include your mailing address or I cannot mail if you are the winner – winner will be first correct entry received.

All the best … Michael

Thursday, June 09, 2016

On June 2nd the U..S. Postal Service issued a stunning pane of 16 National Parks Forever stamps  to celebrate the National Park Service on its 100th anniversary. Images copyright courtesy of the USPS.

The National Park System consists of more than 400 park sites. The stamp pane includes 16  images featuring existing art or photography representing the regional diversity of the National Park System. All stamps show national parks or plants, animals, artwork, objects and structures found in or associated with a national park. Small type on the margin of each stamp indicates the park’s location.

The stamps are arranged to approximate their locations around America:  Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve on the upper left; Maine’s Acadia National Park on the upper right; Hawaii’s Haleakalā National Park on the bottom left; and Florida’s and Mississippi’s Gulf Islands National Seashore on the bottom right.

A friend of mine in the US wrote to me to tell me about these because one of his grandfather’s works was represented.  The stamp is the left stamp in the 4th row from the top and features a 1935–1936 pastel-on-paper by Helmuth Naumer, Sr. (1907–1990) of the Revival-style visitor center at Frijoles Canyon at Bandelier National Monumentin New Mexico.

Rather a beautiful artwork in my view.   Certainly a much more pleasing issue than the Animails issue I last wrote about. Well done USPS and of course the Naumer’s.

Enjoy your stamps,    Michael

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Hello, today I received this in the mail. Surely one of the worst stamp issues I have ever seen - well that is my view. But, I just had to have it for that very reason, as I predict it will be a collectors item with high value in years to come. Why? because who in their right mind would buy it. (foolish me perhaps!!)   And if anyone ever sees these used on a letter  please send me an image. And the price? just look at them. What was Royal Mail thinking? And really, did Her Majesty approve these? Hard to believe.

All views welcomed.

Best wishes..  Michael

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!