cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Hello, today I thought I would show a stamp from the Gold Coat. Today we know the country as Ghana.


The Gold Coast was the name for a region on the Gulf of Guinea in West Africa. The country has Portuguese, Dutch and English history.  It was a British Crown Colony from 1821 until its independence in 1957.

Many stamps are similar in design style to many other British Commonwealth issues from Queen Victoria through to the early QE II issues, before independence.

This first one is from the 1907 – 1913 Edward VII issue.   This design is used on a few values and makes for a very nice  era to collect.

More over the coming days.   enjoy your stamps   Michael

and  with thanks to my friend at  British Commonwealth Album  here   -  and you might enjoy a visit to his online store  the Used Stamp Collector here.


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