cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Hello weekend.     anyone cold  ???  I hope the weather improves if you are in a winter climate.    

A stamp to warm you up perhaps and time for a competition to get the brain cells buzzing   ... I think that might also  help keep you warm.. :-)

 I will find a nice Miniature sheet from somewhere to send to the winner.  just email me  the answers at   

 1)  what is the year of issue?

2)  what is the Issuing Theme.     the full theme,  not just Greetings stamps ok??? 

 and please include your address.  no address no winner.  and   FYI, we do not keep emails or addresses for these competition

 I will pick a winner at random   early next week.

 Have a lovely weekend       Michael        hey why  not visit our store  if you have the time support us at cddstamps.  Thanks


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