cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, January 25, 2021

 Hello, changing countries now.  India.  Not the usual thing I have but  somehow this ended up on my desk.   Yes it is a perfumed miniature sheet. Actually rather nice

one randomly picked  entry with the correct answer will win it as a prize.  What is the perfume? 

email  your answer to and I will  randomly pick a winner at the weekend.  You must include a mailing address of course.  All email and addresses are deleted - we do not keep them or use them.

It has a light bend in it, covering just a partial part of it. 

Enjoy your stamps and please enjoy visiting us  you might be able to fill a few gaps in your collection  -  buy with confidence - over 21,000 positive feedbacks and climbing :-)


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Cees Prins said...

Nice sheet, see that weekend is already out of date.

Must look a bit more here,




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