cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Hello, two weeks have passed since I last wrote. I cannot believe it. What have i been doing you may wonder. Well in 7 days time I will reveal all. A really interesting and what I think has been a creative project. I did look through a few stamps and found some of my Mauritius stock. All now listed in the cddstamps online store. For the thematic collector perhaps the early QE II Bird issues will appeal. I hope you enjoy seeing these whether you collect Mauritius or birds on stamps. All new listings have both SG and Scott catalogue references. Enjoy your stamps Michael

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How many different stamps? easy right.. 8 ....... only because I wouldn't be asking if that was not the answer. But do you know how they are different?

I am trying out the Delcampe portal so loading some GB Security Machins. Even if you don't collect these I hope you enjoy seeing them. They are

U2941 (2009) no source code - no date code

U2945 (2009) source code B - no date code Type 1

U2945 (2009) source code B - no date code Type 2a

U2946 (2009) source code R - no date code

U2947 (2009) source code T - no date code

U2961 (2010) source code B - date code 10 (M10B)

U2963 (2010) source code T - date code 10 (M10T)

U2957 (2010) no source code - date code 10

I have a new store at Delcampe... Try it out.. first 10 orders will receive a free pair of cddstamps tweezers.

Enjoy your stamps Michael

Monday, June 11, 2018

Just a delight to see, well for the machin collector at least ....... I hope you enjoy seeing these. I was sorting some Machins and then decided to put two lots together for sale. 44 different covering the 10½p to 20p values from 1971+ issues and the 1993+ issues with elliptical perfs. you can view the lots click here Yes I decided to try something different

enjoy your stamps... Michael cddstamps

Friday, June 01, 2018

Hello, well it is now June.. I cannot believe another month has gone. Just like that! but to is one I hope you enjoy seeing. I was sorting GB Regionals and I found some lovely cancels. This is from Scotland, SG S95 (Scott #15) and I think a rather nice cancel. Not 100% as the date is not entirely clear but it is a year 2000 cancel, and from Edinburgh. Many collectors look for cancels and such as this are often hard to find given the way the postal services use cancelling machines with adverts and lots of wavy lines. ok and pen cancels. :-) Just one of the reasons to look at cddstamps online store and select the cancel you want as we try hard to list nice stamps like this. Enjoy your stamps, have a great philatelic weekend .... Michael

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