cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hello, I saw the images of the February issue of the Royal Mail stamps on the topic of “Votes for Women”   Very interesting issue and a subject that needs lots of reading to really understand the challenges that were faced and how they were overcome.  Seems archaic to us today doesn’t it but then again you may have read that Saudi Arabia just allowed women to attend soccer matches.  No further comment.
Will just keep to stamps and enjoy my stamps, although as I have  always say the history and reasoning behind an issue is knowledge gained.
Hope you like this issue.
Enjoy your stamps… Michael

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hello, a couple more images tonight to give examples of some perforations differences I think are worth collecting. and, to show how it is wise to never underestimate the value of stamp just by its face value. here are two examples..

 the 1c Bowls stamps from the 1989 Sports issue. two perf types.. perf 14 x 14½ SG 1169 ( Scott 1106A I think) and perf 13½ issued in 1990 SG 1169a ( Scott 1106A I think) Cat for SG 1169 is GB 50p, for 1169a it is £2
Another from this issue, that I think is worth having both perfs in your collection is the 20c tennis stamp. 
Issued in 1990 as SG 1176 (Scott 1111) with perf 13½ and then in 1993 with a perf 14 x 14½ as SG 1176a (Scott 1111A I think.. The SG 1176 issue is catalogued at 2.25, while the earlier issue is just 25p.
Anyway, there are many examples, these are just two,, Hope you enjoy this and find it useful. And please, don't forget the special I mentioned in last nights post.
 A great chance to add some stamps to your collection from cddstamps online store at or copy this link to your browser address bar - one free Australia stamp for every one stamp you buy from our store.. read details in last nights post.
Best wishes Michael

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Hello,   A few stamps from Australia tonight. Hope you enjoy seeing these. and the special treat I have for you below.
Above  SG 1121B Scott 1063B - Below  SG 1121 Scott 1063

If you collect Australia do you have the Booklet stamps with top margin imperf and bottom margin imperf? They are now listed in cddstamps online store.  

I will be visiting Sydney in a week and thought I would do a special, for readers of this blog (and the FB Australian On-Line Stamp Catalogue group)

The Special is, - valid until 17th January -  for every Australian stamp you buy from cddstamps online store   or copy this link   I will include one more different Australia stamp for free, my choice for the stock I have and I will only include very good Fine Used quality stamps.  Buy 1 stamp get one stamp free. Buy 100 stamps get 100 free. That simple -    there will be no duplicates in the extras -  all extra free stamps will be different. And all will be included at no extra postage cost.

All you have to do, after placing and paying for your order, is send me an email -  to - telling me you have placed the order and saw the extra stamp free special on my blog (or on the FB page).  That way I know to include the extra stamps for you.

I hope this helps add value to your Australia collection:  lots of perf varieties, imperfs, different printings and various other differences to help you improve your collection.

Finally, all orders will be mailed from Sydney on 19th January and I will use - as far as I can - nice commemoratives on the envelope.

Enjoy your stamps and enjoy cddstamps     Michael 

Monday, January 08, 2018

Hello, I guess most readers have seen the Game of Thrones stamp images, courtesy of various web sites / blogs and Royal Mail publications.  All a bit over the top perhaps? 

Here is one of the strips of 5 in case you haven't.

Personally I am looking forward to the Royal Air Force Centenary issue in March.   I have not seen details yet but lets hope it wont be too many stamps, like the Game of Thrones issue.  I counted 15 different stamps just from the basic issue of 10 and 5 in the Miniature Sheet  and that excludes the Retail Booklet, the Collector Sheet and the Prestige Booklet.   Expensive proposition? 

 Enjoy your stamps.... whatever you collect.  Best wishes   Michael

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Hello, How was your weekend? Good I hope and plenty of time for stamps. I made time and have listed another 200 plus Nyasaland in the cddstamps online store. If you collect Southern Africa please have a look. copy or click this link
Along with these and over 300 Southern Rhodesia last week we have an excellent selection for you to fill a few gaps in your collection or simply to just improve the quality of the stamps in your collection.
Take this lovely Mint Never Hinged example. SG 201, (Scott 134) Apart from being a lovely stamp, I wonder how many readers know what a Nyala is? We can learn so much from philately. A Nyala is really an antelope but one native to Southern Africa and quite distinguishable by it spiral horns
Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes Michael

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Hello, Happy New Year to everyone. Yes it is now 2018. Seems amazing how the years pass by. I was thinking back 50 years  because I saw the stamps issued in April 1968  commemorating British Bridges. Rather nice stamps I think.  Certainly all with an interesting location being shown.
The 4d shows Tarr Steps in Exmoor Somerset.  The 9d stamps shows the Aberfeldy Bridge in Perth and Kinross in Scotland. This bridge is locally known as “Wade’s Bridge”.   On the 1s 6d stamp we see the Menai Bridge which connects the Isle of Anglesey with North Wales and finally, a more modern styled bridge is shown on the 1s 9d stamp. This is the M4 Viaduct which is more commonly known as the Chiswick flyover. 

All very collectible and back then 4 of the 15 new commemorative stamps that were issued in 1968. How times have changed. As I write this, Royal Mail have so far announced 18 new commemorative sets  (yes sets!) in the stamp issuing program for 2018, including a Post and Go issue in January.  This is before any Royal Wedding stamps and any other special issues they announce, which seems to be something they do these days.  

How many stamps will be issued in 2018 is not known yet but based on 2017, for example, we can expect to see, I would predict, around at least 120 stamps.    

I hope you are not swamped with new issues you cannot afford to buy simply because there are just too many of them for your budget.  A shame really; perhaps this new stamp issuing policy that we see across so many countries around the world is not helping philately, or is it?

Have a brilliant philatelic 2018, and a happy and healthy one as well.


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