cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hello, Hope you enjoy seeing these. Showing them because they are different and if you have a few, perhaps it is worth checking the perforations

Not a big catalogue value difference but always nice to have both copies in your collection.

SG 1199 is perf 14 while there is a perf 13½ x SG 1199a.

Issued in 1989 commemorating Botanic Gardens.

Lovely stamps in my view. These show Nooroo Garden in Mount Wilson, New South Wales, which was established in 1880. Nooroo is a cold climate garden with a wide variety of European and native plants for visitors to enjoy.

Enjoy your stamps; they give us so much pleasure don't they! and oh yes, if you don't have both copies why not visit cddstamps online store where we have over 2500 Australia stamps for sale.

best wishes Michael


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