cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Hello,  Something different tonight as I started looking through another of the many boxes accumulated over the years. These are just a few of the Revenue Stamps I have. Plenty more from Hong Kong and I think some potential value, BUT I do not have a catalogue.

So to readers, someone always knows I hope ! . What would you recommend.  I am looking for something that is reasonably up to date and generally regarded as being written by an accepted authority on the subject.  I am specifically looking for good reference material on Hong Kong issues.   If I was to buy which would you recommend.

 “British Commonwealth Revenues" a book by J.Barefoot Ltd

“Catalogue and Price List of the Revenue Stamps of the British Colonies Including Railway Stamps” a CD by Walter Morley.

Looking forward to hearing from someone.

Enjoy your stamps,   Michael


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