cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, October 26, 2015

Hello, tonight another study in perforations and why it is worth studying the stamps that, on the face of it, seem to be the same stamp.

These from my Ceylon stock this past weekend.  Nothing really of high value mind you, but still worth recognising the difference in my view.

From top to bottom / left to right
SG 387 with perf 13 x 11½ with a catalogue value of £2.50
SG 387b perf 13½  with a catalogue value of 10p
SG 387c with perf 14 with a catalogue value of £1.00, and finally
SG 387d with perf 11½  x 11  with a catalogue value of 10p

Small catalogue differences but  have you got all 4 in your collection?  Check if you do not know, and then visit cddstamps here,  type the SG number in the Search Store For field ( eg SG387 remove the space as the search engine does not recognise it) )  and hopefully you will be able to fill a gap or two in your collection at a very affordable price.

Or, just visit cddstamps here and see what other countries, GB and British Commonwealth, are in stock.

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes...Michael


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