cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, August 31, 2015

Hi,   still on Canada as I finally loaded another 300 and some to my Bidstart Store.( actually they are selling already so that much say something)  click here if you want to fill a gap in your collection

Anyway for those who enjoy just looking at stamps perhaps;  what about these two. At a quick glance they are very similar., Yes?

But of course they are very different. the top one is from the 1949 issue, while the lower one is from the 1950 issue.  The difference is obvious really but I wouldn't mind betting some of you might have overlooked the difference.  Which could be a shame as the 1950 issues are generally higher catalogue. These for example.    Top SG 415 Cat £0.45, lower, SG 425 cat £4.50  Bit of a difference to overlook, especially if you are trading stamps with people.

Have a great week. I am flying this week and won't be back online until next weekend. So a little competition while I am away. I will try to pick up a few new issues from Australia as a prize.  Who did the photograph from which the design of this stamps was based?   Email me, with your address please, to and I'll  randomly select a winner when I get back on Saturday.

Best wishes.. Michael  (please visit my Store of you want to fill a few gaps in your collection)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hello, another week and some more stamps. But before I get to them I just want to say thanks to all of you for reading the blog and my posts elsewhere. Nice to hear from so many of you.

There is a winner to my Canada GV question. Well done to  many of you but the winner was  Anand Bhat who will be receiving a selection of Canadian stamps soon.

 For  those of you who had a wild guess perhaps, I hope you get to look at your stamps more carefully.  The year, 1935, is written in the outer ring of the portrait on the left.  I have tried to show where in the image above. Because it is so small and I lost my philatelic microsope ( in my move earlier this year)  I cannot enlarge the image clearly enough to show you. But do have a look at one if you have a copy from this period.

I am working to catalogue more Canada at the moment. One thing that has surprised me is the very low catalogue value. So if you have some gaps in your collection perhaps you will have a look at my Bidstart Store, or Stanley Gibbons Marketplace over the coming weekend ( when I hope to get them all listed  All from the 1930s to early 1970s.  Even some phosphors and lots of  perf varieties. Over 300 lots which I am creating the load file for now.

wish I could load to the Store sooner but am also kept busy packing orders. Great to know so many of you value to selection, quality and price. thank you.  and one final plug I am still giving a free pair of tweezers with orders  over  US $35 including P & P.  Yes I know you think you don't need another pair but believe me when you get these you will be so pleased. I use them all the time.  :-)

Anyway..  best wishes.. enjoy your stamps.... Michael


Friday, August 21, 2015

TGIF,   as I got home tonight I could feel the heat blowing a real storm. A few minutes later came the thunder and lightning.  Now safely inside enjoying a glass of Shiraz and studying stamps.

Canada now. I have so many in stock and will be listing them in the Bidstart Store over the weekend.

But did you know there is a date "hidden"  on this stamp and others in this GV issue? It is SG 353, from a coil printing. Am not going to give this one away but I will find a few Canada duplicates for the first correct answer.   Where is the "hidden" date?    As usual, email me at with your mailing address please. I do not keep addresses and anyway, for all I know, you may have moved.

Have a great weekend, enjoy your stamps and why not treat yourself and fill a few gaps in your collection, especially if  from the Edward VII, GV, GVI or QEII period of many British Commonwealth countries.   Just visit my store here    scroll down a little, click the link to the country you want, then type the SG number into the "Search Store for" field and see if I have the stamp. How easy is that :-)   I may have a few copies so you can chose the postal cancel you like if you are collecting used stamps.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hello, Hope you enjoy seeing this stamp. Imagine my surprise when I looked at the catalogue to get the SG number.  It  is  SG 352, perf 8 (unless I am terribly mistaken)   It is a coil stamp from the 1935 issue and has a catalogue value of £14. (GBP)   Pity I do not have the flaw variety with the narrow 1,  always check what you have as that stamp has a catalogue value of £60.  Worth checking.

Nice find I think. I have so much Canada stock I decided that it is time to start sorting in readiness to list in my bidStart Store.   Give me a few days and it will be listed at a very competitive price.

Of course you can look through your own material and always check the perforation. As I often say. This stamp, albeit you will not see the imperf margins I expect, will be SG 341 with a catalogue value of just 10p.

Friday tomorrow. TGIF   have a great weekend everyone and enjoy your stamps.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hello,  for those of you who collect  or are interested in Royal Mail Post and Go stamps I hope you enjoy seeing these, from unit A006 issued at the Singpex 2015 on 15th August.

 I was at the Exhibition yesterday and even though the machines were not working when I was there, very forst thing in the morning (again, same problem we had in Seoul last year) I was able to get  these thanks to the excellent service of the gentleman manning the booth.  That is another story. Just tonight to show you these.

 Two machines, as you probably already know, are unit A006 - on the left, and A008.   You can see the details if you click image and enlarge I think.

If you want more details or images of the individual units just write to me at

And yes the time stamp is UK time.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hi, thanks for all kind thoughts re web site. Yes still down, although I had a good online chat with a support person today. Useful customer service feature. Trouble ticket escalated since they could not solve it there and then.
So tonight instead of updating the website I put a few more stamps for sale in the bidStart / aka Stanley Gibbons marketplace store. easy to find just copy this link to your browser if you collect such
One more day and am off to Singapore for the World Philatelic Exhibition. So looking forward to that, and catching up with a few dealers and people I know.
Be patient, my web site will come back soon......... I hope smile emoticon

Friday, August 07, 2015

Ok let's not talk about the cricket, or at least the Australian score so far. I checked the news last night and was confused when I say England none for 13 before lunch.. then I saw the rest. I will use my UK passport next weekend with pride when I go to the Word Stamp Exhibition in Singapore smile emoticon
But to stamps. I am sorting more Barbados for my Bidstart Store. Early QE II. Hope you like the one I am showing. If it is missing from your collection it should be in the store by tomorrow evening. SG 300 and MH as I hope you can see from the image. Plenty more as well. Even a VFU copy as I recall.
TGIF, have a great weekend. Michael and Bidtstart store from this link just scroll down and click on Barbados

Monday, August 03, 2015

Hi, Just found these two while sorting some stock.  Thought I'd share with you. Rather nice.   Motto: always study carefully and  preferably in good light, and hopefully with a known shade for comparison.

The one on the left is SG 255a mint hinged, and the one on the right is SG 255, also Mint with  extremely very light hinge.  The right one has a 2013 catalogue value of 1.50GBP, while the right one is catalogued at just 16.0GBP. Deep olive green shade versus olive green.  I hope the scan shows the difference clearly.   Both will be listed together in my Bidstart store over the next few days. A chance to fill a gap in your collection maybe.

Best wishes... Michael

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