cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello, I thought tonight I would write something different. Perhaps a bit more provocative.

I was looking at eBay over the weekend, at Flight covers. Just browsing away and found a few I thought would be nice in my collection. The seller in the UK was charging £7 postage and writing that any order had to be mailed Registered mail as that was Paypal policy.

Now earlier that day I bought a flight cover from another dealer in the UK and postage was £1.90. Seems reasonable as I know that is the postage, or close to.

So it got me thinking and I checked Paypal policy. There is no policy that says the seller MUST send Registered Mail. There is advisory that for loss protection etc it is recommended. Bit of a difference.

I am sure the seller would send by Registered mail but for a cheap item, say under £10 why would I, or anyone for that matter, pay nearly double for the item.  And, if it was just one or a few stamps that would really be over the top in my view.

What do my readers think? I look forward to hearing from you.

Perhaps think about this in the context of fraud, which I seem to be hearing so much about these days. Buyers claiming to have not received their purchase and then the seller losing as Paypal it would appear protects the buyer with a refund at the cost of the seller, even if the seller can produced proof of sending.

Of course if you deal with me through my Bidstart Store you will be happy with postage cost I think, and and I won't be spinning you an exaggeration.

Best wishes.. Michael   and at to fill a gap or two in your collection at a very reasonable price.

PS above is from a letter recently received from a UK stamp dealer for a small purchase of 20 stamps.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hello, I guess many readers are engrossed in the World Cup these days. Sadly not me as I cannot get the games on television, although to be honest, while I love the game, I really don't have the time to watch TV. Or I chose to do different things with my time I should say.

I was reminded of this when looking through some covers to list in my Bidstart Store and came across this one from Canada.  Such a long time ago now. Issued in 1976 and it is still in lovely condition. A sealed envelope in fact although nothing inside.

One other philatelic related activity you might say, is that I have issued the July Newsletter. If you do not already get a copy please email me at  It has aerophilately as a theme, is only one page and therefore a quick read,  and some nice pictures of one of my Flown First Flight Covers on the Asiana A380 inaugurals a few weeks back.

Best wishes.. enjoy your philatelic activities.


Friday, June 27, 2014

Hello, well time for some new stamps  (well last month issue actually but I only just got around to looking at these) from Hong Kong.

I like these. When do I not like Hong Kong stamps!!   this from the Hong Kong Post website.

The family is the mainstay of society. Since the 1980s, there has been growing attention placed on family issues. The United Nations proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of the Family, and has chosen 15 May of every year as the International Day of Families, with a view to promoting the awareness of issues relating to families within the international community. As this year marks the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, Hongkong Post issues a set of special stamps on the International Day of Families to advocate the importance of upholding family values.

Using a hand motif and featuring different images of hands, this set of four stamps presents the core values of a family: filial piety, love, harmony and care.

I hope you enjoyed seeing this Miniature sheet and the message with them 

Have a great weekend... Michael

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yes I am still alive. I have been travelling a lot recently so not had time or opportunity to write. I am back in Hong Kong now and hope to keep my feet on the ground for a few weeks at least. Today I got this in my mail. Actually a few copies plus the most wonderful presentation pack I have ever seen.

Congratulations to Hong Kong Post,  they really do set a standard that others cannot meet in my view.

A few weeks ago I went to an exhibition Hong Kong Post put on in Kowloon, TST. It was a titled a  Journey through Hong Kong's Postal history - a Glimpse of Hong Kong's Postal History through the Old General Post Office Building ( 1911 - 1976)    Really excellent and informative displays. I ordered these Sheets and a few other items while there and here they are. Hope you enjoy seeing this. The $20 stamp is in the left hand corner. Click image to enlarge to see more detail.

I won't write more just now. Maybe in another blog.

Best wishes..  Michael

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Hello, not a stamp tonight but an image of part of the poster advertising an exhibition here in Hong Kong which I went to this afternoon. Very interesting I have to say and extremely well presented. And, as you might see, Free Admission.

They had a special cachet, had I known I would have taken an envelope and stamp and had it franked. Anyway I did get the exhibition promotion pamphlet franked. Nice little souvenir

Stamps will be issued on June 17th. Will be getting some and will show as soon as I have them.

Well done Hongkong Post.


Sunday, June 01, 2014

Hello, I was tidying up today and came across a few old Canada covers. This one I rather like. Issued as you can see in 1935 for GV Silver Jubilee. SG 337 is nicely franked with the first day of issue postmark from Toronto.

As you may know I have long had an interest in GB GV but always enjoy seeing GV from the many other countries that had  GV and of course the famous Silver Jubilee issues. If this is an area that interest you I highly recommend this web site King George V Silver Jubilee With some 500 pages it will take you a while to get familiar with the content but it will also see you glued to your computer for a quiet a while.  Great piece of work.

Enjoy your stamps and don't forget to visit my Bidsatrt Store if you want to fill a gap in your collection, especially Canada, at competitive prices.


Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!