I have been sorting some Machin Security issues recently. I hope you enjoy seeing the three below and the details about why they are different. I find the security printing issues so interesting. All look alike but of course they are not necessarily so.

The left hand stamp is from the April 2013 De La Rue printing of sheets of 50 stamps with security slit Type 2A and security code 13. The middle stamp is from the January 2013 De La Rue printing of sheets of 50 stamps with security slit Type 2 and security code 12. And, the right hand stamp is from the January 2013 Walsall printing of Business Sheets of 50 stamps with security slit Type 1 and security code 12 B.
To learn more I recommend visiting here
If you are interested in improving your collection I hope you enjoy looking at the selection of security issues I have for sale in my Bidstart Store here
My Easter competitions were won by Jill from Australia and Glenn from Canada. I know I have been slow in announcing the winners but I was away for all of Easter week and well, I just don't know where the time goes these days.
Prizes will be mailed soon. Thanks to everyone who entered
Best wishes..Michael