cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hello,  first thing I want to say is thank you to all who read my blog. I noticed when I logged in that I am nearly at 50,000 views. ( and over 5000 since I started the flags some months ago).  Seems a lot  so thank you. Second, I hope you like the stamps I am showing tonight. I found these while sorting more stock.  I really like this issue. Pre 1997 and I am told that they are not valid for postage here in Hong Kong today. Shame, as I was planning on using them on the letters I send to people who buy from my Bidstart Store.  I may just add one anyway. Nice addition a collection I would think.

Nothing much happening at my end. Been a miserable day, weather that is. Another typical weather day for this time of year, a storm, so I made time to do some stamps. Very relaxing way to spend a few hours.

And for anyone who sells stamps, I finished writing the September issue of the IPDA Newsletter. I will send a free copy if you send me your email address. Think about applying for membership. Certainly worth $20 a year to get some accreditation to help promote yourself and your credibility in the Philatelic community. I see so many sellers ( eBay notably) who honestly don't have a clue and are trying to sell material that just is, well, you know what I am thinking don't you.

Check us out at   and don't forget my Bidstart Store  No easier way to fill some gaps in your collection. Great stamps quality at very competitive prices.

Have a great weekend..    Michael


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