cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hello, Yes I am still alive and well and finally finding some time to write.  I found the latest Royal Mail advertising material in my PO Box the other day and while they may be having problems with their staff satisfaction, impending privatisation and the ever increasing glut of new issues, they have produced what I think is a rather nice collectible issue with these cars.

Not that I will be buying them any time soon I might add and doubtful I will ever see any nicely used on mail but hey nice to see.  I reckon they have another 6 or more issues worth in the pipeline already.  After all how many classic cars have come from the UK over the past 40 years. Nice potential for the thematic collector perhaps

Of course, as you may know, it isn't just these 6 stamps. There is a Miniature Sheet with another 4 different designs and, of course, a presentation pack, which will also set you back a few quid..

So what was your favourite car. Hard choice?  Well I just loved the MGB. Always wanted one but of course back then I was broke!!   some 500,000 sold I read in the Royal Mail booklet and sadly production stopped in 1980. Yes over 30 years ago.

Well enough of my rambling. Will again be offline for a few days as am flying back to Sydney yet again tomorrow. Be back later next week unless you are really unlucky :-)

have a great weekend.. Michael

Oh and since I have not told you about my Bidstart shop recently perhaps I should mention it. Fill that gap in your collection at very very very competitive prices. Just have a look at        actually stock numbers falling because of the good sales I am getting so will be adding more stock over the coming weeks I hope. Don't miss out!!! Especially if you are after recent GB as I have some quite nice 2012 / 2013 stamps recently listed.


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