cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, August 02, 2013

Hello. I am back in Sydney for the weekend. Came in overnight on Qantas. An A380.   lovely aircraft, no matter how many times I fly on one I always enjoy the flight, When I am awake that is!!!
Qantas seat pitch in Premium Economy was just like the "old days" business class. Their food was pretty good as well. Great flight really. Now if only they could get cabin crew who were interested in  you, the passenger,  that would make it for them. Simply put I can say that throughout the flight when I did see the cabin crew, which was not that often, they made no eye contact with passengers. When you fly Cathay, Singapore, Malaysia  for example,  the cabin crew look at passengers to serve them. Qantas cabin crew look away and I think they pray they can get through the cabin, on the infrequent times they feel forced to walk though, in the hope a passenger does not ask for something. In Summary: Qantas: aircraft, excellent; food, very good; cabin crew, there because they had to be.
Flying Virgin Atlantic next week. I will report :-)
But I digress. Stamps is really the topic, isn't it. Hope you like the one shown above. I think the GVI  were just superb, and this one was no exception. I do not have my catalogues so cannot tell you more details other than it was issued in 1938. And real credit for the picture goes to where you will find the most extraordinary, brilliant, catalogue of stamps available to buy. And yes he is a member of the IPDA (Internet Philatelic Dealers Association)
Ok   I need some sleep no matter how good Qantas W class was :-)
More when I get some time.


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