cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hello, I could have chosen any one of a number of stamps to show you tonight but I particularly like the colour and design of this one. Issued in 1938. I know I say this often but the designs were just so perfect. Compared to the rubbish / pretty sticker designs of todays and recent issues. Don't you think? These took craftsmanship I think, and imagination,
Even though this was issued in 1938 and is MUH it still only has a catalogue value of £0.30. Hard to believe in my view.  But then it is listed on eBay for £2.25. Why? what have I got wrong?

Enjoy your stamps and always check the listing in a good catalogue :-)

michael  ............


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