cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Hello, for those of you who collect Australia I thought I would let you know I just loaded 219 more stamps to my Bidstart Store. Mostly early issues.. 1966 -1975 and with excellent selection of the many Booklet issues, with all the positions in the booklets including labels. Hope you enjoy looking. And remember if you have a gap in your collection just type the SG number (eg 1234 no SG required) in the "Search Store For" box and press enter and you will see what I have listed...... for any country that has a stamp with that SG number my store is at enjoy.. oh and I have not increased my overseas postage rates even though our wonderful (!!) Australia Post have increased their rates yet again. :-)


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