cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, October 27, 2012


The Internet Philatelic Dealers Association Inc. will be holding it's 12th annual Halloween marathon chat 27-28 Oct. Everyone is invited. The chat begins Saturday at 10:00 AM GMT and runs till Sunday 10:00 AM GMT. The chat will be moderated by IPDA members from Spain,Belgium,Canada,USA and Australia and is safe for the whole family. Log on in costume and be prepared to meet several Dracula's,elves and witches. I even have word that Darth will make an appearance.
We all deserve to put the work aside for at least one day to relax and have some good laughs. Hope to see you there at: 
Just click on "IPDA chat page" and the "chat now" button it brings up. Feel free to log in as your favorite Halloween character.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hello, it was 5 years today that Singapore Airlines flew the first commercial A380 service from Singapore to Sydney.  As many of you will know I was fortunate to be on that memorable flight, and also the return flight - Sydney Singapore. This cover was one of a few I made than and as you can see was signed by many of the wonderful crew. Lovely memory.  Hopefully I will fly more A380 inugurals, with British Airways maybe, next year. If you want to know more about my A380 inaugural flights please visit my web site at cddstamps  and follow the menu for A380


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hello,    found this tonight so thought here is a chance for a quiz. Lovely MS I think you will agree.  I hope this is interesting and a challenging question. Who was the inventor of the postage stamp?  Rowland Hill is the obvious answer as he is usually credited with originating the basic concept of the postal service and the postage stamp. But maybe someone else should get some credit?    

Here he is.   name please and in what year did he put forward the idea of a "stamp"

enjoy your stamps........  Michael    oh and please have a look at my eBay listings.. just search under username michaelatcddstamps.. some interesting lots now available  for viewing.  :-)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hello,  ok so not published for a while. Never know what to write about ..  writers block :-)  Am sorting and clearing out my many boxes of stamps now am back in Sydney. Found these. What are they? I have no idea and no time really to study to find them in a catalogue. Anyone advise please?  Should I auction or just give away :-)   double click on image to see larger view then return

Have a great weekend... Enjoy your stamps... Michael

Friday, October 05, 2012

Hi,    something different tonight.  everyone wins my quizzes and that is great.. how do you all get the answers so quickly?    well done and thanks for your emails.  The winner of the Australia Zoo stamps was Janet from Hong Kong who had the 5th email in reply with the correct answer, well done to someone who I  think is a new reader.   Tonight another chance to win that Hong Kong  Great Wall Miniature Sheet I showed a few days ago.

This time I will be the judge of your answer to this question...that is, in my view, the best answer, can be funny, serious, witty,  whatever you like........... why would anyone list this rubbish, damaged , little catalogue value stamp even n brilliant condition, on eBay?? Because this is listed on eBay right now.

Obviously not an IPDA (Internet Philatelic Dealers Association) member and never will be............  

I hope you know better than to waste your money on this trash. It is damaged  SG 174, 16 dot, Die II,

email me at with your mailing address.....
Have a great weekend...   Michael

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Hello, well tonight this lovely MS from Australia Post. You just have to like it. Sadly it has the slightest of bends in the bottom left hand stamp.. that to the perfectionist in me for describing stamp quality, but as a collectible I expect with being pressed it will disappear in time.

Thanks to all of you who have been writing to me and saying how you like the quizzes. So to win this MS here are two questions. I say that because even when I try to make the questions hard you all seem to get them so easily.  So how about this, two part question 1) Which zoo boasts the largest collection of primates in any private zoo in Australia?  2) name one zoo in Australia that has successfully breed the rare Silvery Gibbon in captivity.   Probably very easy.

To make things more equal for you all I will chose the 5th correct entry as the winner. Well I think that is more equal as some readers see my blog while other are asleep due global time difference.   Just email me at with your mailing address please.   I always ask for mailing address as I do not keep your mailing addresses or use it for other purposes, as I guess you know by now.

Enjoy.. Best wishes.. Michael

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Click to zoom in on my visitor map!