cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hello, hope you all are well. Once again a week has passed and I did not write, and now I am thinking what to write. I need to get a theme going again but hard to find one. So many other things happening these days. I was in Sydney again this past weekend and bought some more stamps back with me. To keep my amused during the evenings.. wish I had more time to keep myself amused :-) hahahah

Hope you enjoy seeing this imperf MS. I know one of you will :-)

Ok, my theme. My theme is going to be Round Robins. Once upon a time I did one from this blog.. well in a previous incarnation... and I thought I would do one again. I have done a few lately and to be honest not had much success - in so far as they never seem to come back to me. all the same, hopefully I do get some nice stamps out to people and someone gets some enjoyment. I continue to have faith that one day I'll get one back. So I thought I would offer to do a Round Robin to anyone that reads this blog. What is a RR you may be asking. Well, I send a selection of stamps. I think I'll do a world wide collection - you take what you want and put back same or more number of stamps that you took out. So if you take 25 you return 25. Simple. Only catch is you have to put in fine used.. that is very nice condition. No tears or thins or heavy franking, or short perfs or stains or rust or toning etc. Seems fair.. and some fun for us all maybe.

Maybe help us improve our collections? If youw ant to join send me an email to and after a week maybe I'll get one going if there is a few of us. Only cost to you is postage to the next person on the list.

Best wishes .. Michael

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hello, a week has just flown by.. well actually it has because I was on the Korean Air A380 inaugurals on Friday and spent the weekend sleeping.. well that is a slight exaggeration but all the same it was a great day last Friday. Three A380 inaugurals in one day. Do have a look at my covers and pictures on cddstamps hope you enjoy the pictures... just follow menu links to A380 Covers.

PS Yes I know.. my camera date is wrong.. oops must change that but honest it was the 17th in Seoul

Best wishes... Michael

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello, if my internet wasn't so bad these days I am sure I would post more. Since last Friday it has been awful. What can I do except not get frustrated. Thanks to all who have placed bids on my auctions Please have a look if you are still thinking. you can find my lots under username 1 day to go before lots start closing and if I do say so myself the bargains are there to be had because I want to clear some stock and I want you the collector to benefit.

the above is just one example of what I think you will agree is value for money. GB SG 2034-2038 cat at GBP 6.00 Listed at opening bid of USD $1.49 and free postage and packing, as you will find with all my listings. I just want to start but covering my postage costs.

Enjoy looking if nothing else. Oh even you are not a Paypal member we can work something out.

best wishes Michael

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hello, another week, Hope it was a good week for you. Sorting through some stock cards I brought back from my last trip to Australia I found a few nice Miniature Sheets from the Philippines commemorating the 2001 Hong Kong Stamp exhibition. Hope you enjoy seeing this.

Have a great weekend, oh and please have a look at my latest auction listings on Bidstart Opening bid prices cover my postage costs so essentially you get the stamp(s) for free. Some very good Australia, including high catalogue starting at US $0.95 or $1.49, GB selection including modern commemoratives, selections starting at US $0.95, and much much more. 170 lots listed so surely something there for you. My user id is michaelatcddstamps so please have a look. At least enjoy looking at the quality of what I list.

Monday, June 06, 2011

Lovely day here today, went to watch our office team in the Dragon Boat races. Looks like hot hard work to me. Best place is serving the beer after I think. Stamp from Genada today. My other news ..I am on Twitter... cddstamps ...decided to see what all the hype was about and hoping it will help promote my auction lots. still learning how to use it to be honest. seems easy enough to post but how does one get a followoing I wonder. try this.. lets see if it works

Best wishes.. Michael

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Hello everyone. I am back. Been busy as always and back in Australia for a long weekend and just don't know where the time goes these days. Anyone trying to post a comment will find I changed authorisation levels because some nut out there was spamming me comments and since I have not logged in for a while I didn't see legit comments.

Anyway I brought back lots of stamps and have spent time sorting and yes, you guessed it, listing them for auction on Please do have a look. I just finished listing 164 lots. Bargins galore as I am trying to clear all the stuff I have horded over the years and because over 90% of the lots have an opening bid to cover my postage and packing, with no other charges. So you will get quality and value.

I have been looking at various auction sites as one does, for the fun of it, and next time I'll show you some more of the quality being sold by one amazing dealer. Why he just doesn't throw the stamps in the garbage I do not know. He must have some auto relist on as well, because I found one stamp that keeps reappearing even though no one (in their right mind) is buying. But if you want to see some nice material - you decide - just visit my lots at ---- user name michaelatcddstamps.

And finally for now, a scan of a little project I have started.

Machins bore some people but have always held my interest. I now have two albums of the security print issues ( one 2nd class, one first class, and have been patiently studying and sorting. I got myself a new magnifying glass at the Temple Street night markets here in Hong Kong, at a very very cheap price and it is wonderful. Helps study these. Oh, anyone know how I can scan them to show the security lettering? Please write to me.

Best wishes and hope to hear from some of you. Michael

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!