cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hello, another week, Hope it was a good week for you. Sorting through some stock cards I brought back from my last trip to Australia I found a few nice Miniature Sheets from the Philippines commemorating the 2001 Hong Kong Stamp exhibition. Hope you enjoy seeing this.

Have a great weekend, oh and please have a look at my latest auction listings on Bidstart Opening bid prices cover my postage costs so essentially you get the stamp(s) for free. Some very good Australia, including high catalogue starting at US $0.95 or $1.49, GB selection including modern commemoratives, selections starting at US $0.95, and much much more. 170 lots listed so surely something there for you. My user id is michaelatcddstamps so please have a look. At least enjoy looking at the quality of what I list.


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