Hello, I have been browsing the internet stamp blog sites these past few days. Am I bored or what! Seems so little of interest yet so many stamp blogs out there. I remember when I first stated blogging there were literally no stamp blogs. Now there are hundreds yet so few that challenge me to read them. And do they all get 1 or 2 or no readers?? I often wonder. Your thoughts. What do you read, apart from me of course :-) Norvic, one of the best in my view, Machin Mania another interesting and informative site, Adrians site at AKPhilately for pure quality writing and stamp design and issues from the past.
What is it that we want? I am asking myself this as it seems impossible to get a large readership. New issues? Competitions? Philatelic study and resources or just educational facts? How do we get stamp collectors to read any of those? Especially those who are buying overpriced rubbish on some auction sites........ Are we all time constrained? Do we just read the trash newspaper headlines about celebrities, sport and the weather? All of which is fabricated nonsense to get people to read it anyway :-) Or what.
Write to me I would really like to hear your views. and if you have ideas about how to promote this wonderful hobby I would really like to hear from you
Enjoy your stamps .. Michael cddstamps.com
My lists for highly recommendable stamp blogs is pretty short: AKPhilately, Filling spaces, Norvic, Stamp Collecting Roundup, PostZegelBlog, Álbum de Estampillas and You (in no particular order). And very likely I would add my own blog to that list if I didn't author it :)
There are also few other good ones (like Philately of Today), but sadly they update so infrequently that they don't hardly qualify for being alive.
A common nominator for all on my list is that they write pretty much everything else but new issues or their incoming mail only. They provide information, opinions and experiences. And that's how I like them - shaken, not stirred. LOL.
Is large readership possible for a stamp blog? I honestly do not know... I fear that without "external help" (at least half page entry/review on popular magazine like GSM, Stamp Magazine or Linns) it will be very, very difficult. But if You do come up with magic potion, please let me know. LOL.
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