something new....
Hello, sorry if I revert to an aviation theme this once.. I have to tell you or how else will you know :-) I have been writing a new website.flyingcovers Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Charlie for those comments.. I could write a book in rely as I am sure you could, but yes I agree.. that is the way it could well go for philately unless we change something to encourage young people to start collecting and they cannot do it by enjoying and having fun soaking stamps can they now!! and getting them to collect pretty stickers is not the answer in my view.. I honestly believe that is a Postal Administration con to get money from children and adults. Children who do collect will soon forget or realise they are just pretty stickers and a fad they went through... children are smart.. never underestimate them is my thinking. Sooner or later they will see it for what it is.. marketing to raise revenue... PS nothing wrong in that of course in the scheme of things I guess in a free world, but we are talking philately and childrens encouragement to participate and enjoy stamp collecting here.
Enough of my ramblings.. how about this stunning cover..

I met the guy who produced this and flew on the inaugural - great guy - covers available for sale on my new web site flyingcovers and monies go to the Australian Airmail Society.
Have a great weekend, .. Michael
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