cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

cost of new issues

Hello, thought I would see what peoples view were. I just read a piece on Linn's Stamp News.....maybe you saw it as well.. quote.. 'as of Feb 3rd the Postal Service ( US that is) has released eight new issues" .. to buy the stamps minimum amount to get one of each stamp, the minimum cost is US $85.38 ........... now that is rather a few bob!!! I think you will agree.

Let's look at Royal Mail..anyone know how much you would have to spend to collect new issues, Commemorative including Prestige Books and MS, no definitives were issued in those two months as I recall... to early February..??? Guess :-) anyone know what the cost of just the May 2010 Festival of Stamps issues will be??? Guess..

So, who is buying all these new issues? and Why ... and who is using them on letters... well lets face it they are generally not used anymore are they.. so why so many new issues... would it be more cost effective for the Postal Authorities to cut back on new issues and get a larger buyer demand from those they do issue.. I studied economics years ago and I think the law of diminishing returns now applies to these people that keep issuing stamps. Oh yes.. and elasticity of supply and demand....

as the Linn's writer says.. I will still collect stamps and remain active in the hobby, but I am no longer buying all US new issues. That was my view on GB quite some years back.


Looking forward to hearing from you.. :-)



At 2:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with you!

The same happens in Portugal... Who the hell uses all these issues on circulated covers?

Nobody. I tell you!


At 12:34 AM, Blogger cddstamps said...

Jose, I agree.. and as per my writings tonight

Thanks for reading the blog

Best wishes.. Michael

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Pablo (yo) said...

Same happens in Argentina.
Each year, they issue more stamps, and less of each one.
Only 10 years ago, a normal issue was of 300.000 // 500.000 copies of each stamp.
Now, the average issue is only 70.000. It is clear that the sell less stamps every year...
I think there would be much more demand with fewer issues.

An interesting option would be a discount to letters franked with stamps. That would put stamps in the envelopes again!


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