Australia inverted Black Swan stamp

Hello, a rare stamp from Australia today. Before the discovery of Australia, it was believed that a black swan was impossible. However, after people discovered the existence of black swans in Australia, it soon became the symbol of the continent.
The design of the Black Swan Stamp was by Horace Samson using lithography. A different frame was used for each value of the series of stamps. The 4 cent value is printed in blue.
In January 1855, one of the printing presses was damaged and had to be replaced. However, the component that etched the frames was replaced upside down, and 388 errors were printed and sold before being discovered, creating the Inverted Swan Stamp. Only 15 complete copies are known to exist today.
And just to remind you of my auction lots. At Stampwants or try this direct link Michael on Stampwants Or this eBay link Michael on eBay
User id at both auction sites is michaelatcddstamps
Enjoy your stamps …… Michael
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