cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Australia Christmas stamps Part II

Hello, here are the other Australia Christmas stamps - for local postage. A strip of 5. Very nice :-)

Australia post have once again produced a description in their latest stamp bulletin that has to impress even the most politically sensitive of persons. Quite frankly I think all this political correctness is just moron stupidity, but sadly there are lots of them about.

Australia Post say these stamps offer a "...secular alternative to the religious stamps..." WHAT!!!!!!!!!! then, believe it or not, they go on to say what each stamps depicts, with religious conotations... not that it worries me.. and.... wait for it.. they conclude with the comments "while the figure of Santas Claus ultimately derives from Saint Nicholas, the modern version of the white bearded man in a red suit owes more to the 19th century American cartoons" ... don't you just love Australia Post. I do :-)

Ultimately nice stamps, for a nice friendly lets all be friends and happy together season. If you want political correctness I suggest you get a life :-)

Enjoy your stamps and stamps colleagues ........ Michael

PS..anyone waiting on mail from me.. it is in the of today.. I finally caught up I think :-)


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