SPLHCB - 40 years ago today

I think one of the greatest albums ever, in every possible way
You might enjoy this link as well,.. The Bulletin, June 1st 2007.
Best wishes.. Michael
my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !
I went to the PO Box today.. oh dear am I a long way behind answering emails... well I am even further behind with my mail.. my own fault of course.. such bad time management ..or am I enjoying life too much. I don't have any stamps scanned to show tonight.. just been reading about the 40th Anniversary Machin issue on June 5th.. now there are some stamps and stamp presentation packs and formats to commemorate that.. if you want lots of details read Roy Simpson's blog MachinMania.. brilliant by the way.. not him of course .. ha ha .. but his blog.. he is better than brilliant I have to add
Hello everyone. I do hope you like this. It is quite wonderful in my view. And the subject of course is one of so much emotion and history, and particularily in India as it is in many countries. Makes me realise how lucky so many of us are.
Hello, I am back in Australia. Well to be honest as I write this in the departure lounge of Hyderabad airport I am not in Australia, but by the time you read this I will be back. Of course I will as I will have uploaded it. Derrgghh.. :-)
wonderful place.. really quite amazing.. and I found the GPO (Post Office) in the city centre I guess it was.. my driver knew where to go... and I will show pictures when I get back to Sydney.. so please keep reading.. or at least in ten days times.