Uganda 1977 Game Fish.. and other ramblings
Hello, how we all? Managing to find time to spend with your stamps? Lucky you.
I did manage to find 15 minutes today to go to the post office and mail some letters. Some to those of you who won auction lots. You may be pleased when you see what I am sending as the letters are hand franked for 06 06 06. I mailed letters to myself as well, all with hand frankings. I do hope they arrive clean. Will show then to you when I get them.
Have not had a chance to read my emails or spend any time with stamps so have little of interest to write. As I said last night I am becoming the most boring person around.. well you don’t have to agree with me you know.
Work is nuts is all I can say, and arriving at 7:30 and leaving at 6:30 is not good for anything except the bank balance. Just think, I cannot even make time to look at eBay and spend all this hard earned loot .... oh well that is life.
When I get home I may try to find something interesting to show you. More later.
Am home.. so what do you think of this cover?

I was looking for some superannuation papers and found these. No don’t ask me why my filing is such a mess.. it just is ok
These are yours email me at …. All you have to do is tell me the names of the fish… easy eh !!!!!!!!!!!!!.. I will make it easier.. the English names will do.. ha ha
Enjoy your stamps.. best wishes… Michael
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