who was he..............
Well, I have not had one single email about the person I mentioned in last nights blog. I am surprised.. Hope you were able to access the blog ok.. remember I have a backup site now at http://cddstamps.blogspot.com/ I call this one “cddstamps on stamps”.
I was browsing the web today and thought I would give you another teaser question on the theme “who is he”
This person was the son of a poultry dealer and fruit importer. He entered show business when he was hired to design silent-film title cards for the newly formed London branch of Hollywood's Famous Players-Lasky, which later became Paramount Pictures. He worked closely with screenwriters, who occasionally allowed him to direct scenes that didn't include actors. He became a director in 1925. He directed a number of well-received English suspense films. In 1939, he moved to Hollywood to take advantage of American filmmaking technology. His first American movie won the 1940 Oscar for Best Picture and him a Best Director nomination.

Now that was the easy part J I want the answer to this as well…..why is today, 28th May, a special day in his memory: it is the anniversary of what event in his career ?
Who was he? .
To help you I am showing these stamps as he is one of the people commemorated. And the cover is yours if yours is the chosen email – with correct answers of course.. email me at cddstamps@gmail.com
As for stamps, please can I remind you my Stampoffers auction lots have about 5 days to run. I think there are some great offers there, all starting at US 1$. Still many lots with no bids. So you could do extremely well me thinks. There is now a link “cddstamps auction lots” in my favourites that takes you direct to the auction lots. .. so easy.. one click and you are there.
Winners now.. I have finally made time to get one of my children to draw names of the winners for recent quizzes.. thanks to everyone who sends me email.. sorry you all cannot win….Lighthouses… Tom from Tasmania: Creatures of the Slime…. Buddy from USA: First Fleet.. Buddy again: Isle of Man Birds….. Carol USA: Vineyards.. Joseph USA: Turks and Caicos .. Priscillia from Singapore. Well done everyone. Stamps should be in tomorrows mail.
And finally on the subject of Birds on stamps.. I got an email with this link http://www.bird-stamps.org/ have a look if you are interested in Birds on stamps. What an amazing site.. congrats to whoever built it.. a labour of love for sure.
Hope you are having a great weekend.. enjoy your stamps.. and please bid on my bid on my Stampoffers lots.. helps me pay the postage for all the stamps I mail…J
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