Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. With perhaps
some time for your stamp collecting. Perhaps
even looking at the specials in the cddstamps online store or click here for the list of countries we stock (over 25,000 listings) as this weekend we
are having a 10% discount special. A first because our prices are always very
competitive we think, and perhaps this will help you get a few stamps for your Christmas present to yourself.
Anyway while sorting some stock the other day I found these two.
The difference is obvious isn’t it J
Rather interesting gentleman. Willem de Vlamingh was a Dutch sea-captain who explored the central west coast of Australia in
the late 17th century. The mission proved fruitless, but Vlamingh charted parts
of the western coast and did leave us with something. Do you know what?
The stamps were issued in 1996 to commemorate the 300th
anniversary of his voyage. In December 1696
he landed on what is now Rottnest
Island. He saw some local wildlife and believing they were rats he named the
island Rats’ Nest (Rattennest in Dutch) because of them.
The following year, in January, he traveled up what is now the Swan
River. He saw Black Swans and so named the river the Swan River.
Stamps are interesting to collect for many reasons and learning the
history portrayed through stamps is certainly enjoyable for me. I hope the same
goes for you.
Have a great weekend and please, if you want to fill a few gaps
in your Australia collection we have over 3000 Australia lots listed in the Online Store. Just click that link to start searching
Best wishes Michael cddstamps.com
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