cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Hello, yes been away and with no time to write. Hope you will still visit occasionally. I am working in Hong Kong and while I will try to write I find my work is now my first priority. If anyone wants to be a guest write please email me at although I do appreciate there are so many stamp blogs out there these days I wonder how many blogs get read at all.

But to stamps. I came back to Sydney for the Easter weekend and was clearing out an old brief case I will use when I go back in a few days time. I found this. I bought it to show you, my readers.. see the date!!!!!!! Lost but found. Like I always say, I get round to everything in the end.

As for other stamp news.... the London Festival of Stamps 2010 is probably the hot topic at the moment. I wont be writing about it because there are guys out there far better qualified and knowledgeable than me. If this is a topic / stamp issue that interests you I highly recommend Ian Billings, Norvic Philatelics blog

Have a wonderful Easter weekend, Best wishes..... Michael


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Jose said...

Very nice FDC!!!!!!


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