USA Independence Day Mini Sheet

I feel I am getting quite boring as I have so little time for stamps and research of topics for stamps articles.
I only worked an 11 hour day today.. yes I know I am slacking off
However, I am lucky to have some wonderful stamp friends and I received many scans of US Declaration of Independence day stamps. I hope you like this one. I did.
Wish I had more to chat about.. well could tell you I am going to a dinner tomorrow night where stamps will not be mentioned and to make it even worse there will be no booze.. Dont ask me why.. I just do these things in support of charity .. yes seriously
Ok, by the weekend I promise to be back to stamps ........ if the systems I am responsible for are working.. if you dont hear from me for a few days.. just send me stamps to remind me of what life could be .. enjoy your stamps. wish I could .. Michael
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