so much that I could write about.. will be brief though. Have written so much recently.. too much eh!!!
Whales down under.. what a wonderful set of stamps. Hope you like seeing this cover. Issued a few weeks ago. It is yours if you are the 5th correct email to tell me the name of the featured whale - that is the big one on the top left stamp and on the cover itself : email me at cddstamps@gmail.com
I have had some emails recently from you with some useful web links.. this one about Beatles on stamps.. (thanks Jane) www.geocities.com/Lunardig17/Beatles-Stamps.html all revenvue raising countries dont you think... and that reminds me .. Royal Mail is issuing a set of stamps showing the Beatles in January next year. I wondeer if any will get used.
As for the England soccer team theme song.. I thought I knew it until I had so many different replies from you.. try this one for a laugh http://www.golakes.co.uk/worldcupsheep/ (thanks Buddy)
Australia Playing Croatia tomorrow my time.. still time to enter my last competition and tell me your prediction of the score.
Enjoy your stamps.. Michael
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