England World Cup soccer stamps 06 June 06

Hello everyone. Today I managed to find time to get to the PO Box. And what a treasure trove it was
These in particular. What do you see?
Not only the stamps in pretty fine used condition – and as many of you know I do not soak them now, I leave then on the part of the envelope they were mailed on – but also postmarked 6 June 06.. yes o6 06 06. How good is that, and all the more reason to leave the stamps on the envelope piece. But .. as an added bonus these stamps were issued on 6 June 06 and the margin shows that. Now how lucky am I. Or how good a friend do I have in the England? Well, one that is both a good friend but also one that is not interested in stamps. So moral of story. If you have to chose your friends make sure they don’t collect stamps as well.. ha ha ha ha ha
I have more to show but they will wait until tomorrow or another night.
Now about the World Cup. Seems a lot of people are staying up late and watching the games .. well those of us that live down under and other equivalent parts of the world will find this quite demanding. Me… well I am saving myself for the exciting semi-finals and final. I don’t need to train to stay up late – that is by watching games in the preliminary rounds - I will be wreck by the final if I try that. No, I am just keeping myself for a late burst J
As for things related to the World Cup - is there anyone out there that gives more than one cents worth of time for politicians. Go one, let me test your mettle here. If I told you my views you might agree and get even more of your friends to read my blog.. or you might be upset … but let me prove my point.. have a read of questions 41 to 45 from the following site .. all to do with World Cup soccer and England.. amazing stuff… yes it was in 1999.. scary, though you UK people were paying this person. No different over hear I might add.
And finally, since we are talking World Cup soccer and showing England Stamps… to win a block of England Winners from 1966.. was it really 40 years ago that England last had a soccer team. just email me with the song title of the England team song.. or whatever it is called.. the England theme song….. send me the song title to cddstamps@gmail.com I will find a way to send a few prizes…
Enjoy your stamps, and your soccer, whoever you support. Best wishes….. Michael
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