cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, April 07, 2023

Cameroun – Aircraft on Stamps – Part II

 Happy Easter everyone.  Don’t eat too many chocolate eggs and don’t get the chocolate on your stamps.  One thing I don’t have to worry about is too many Easter eggs – they don’t sell them  here that I have ever seen.  Perhaps in Manila but not in this provincial town.

So tonight’s stamps is another from the early issue and this one is simple and reminds me of the local beaches here.  Empty and with just palm trees.

As for the aircraft, I have no specific details but it looks like an Ilyushin IL-12,  what do you think?

As for the beach, well  I don’t know about Cameroun beaches but I have found out they have some.  And the engraver is the famous  Frenchman Gabriel-Antoine (Dumas) Barlangue.

I welcome comments  - you can email me at  See you next time.

Michael …. or visit my online store  


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