cddstamps on stamps

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Austria – Aircraft on Stamps – Part III

Hello,  how was your weekend?  Too hot here for me. I slept to avoid the heat so did very little with stamps.   Fortunately a dry heat so the stamps all safe and sound.    

OK back to Austria.  Moving forward a few years now to 1968 and three stamps issued to commemorate  the International Air Mail Exhibition in Vienna.

This first stamp shows an Etrich Limousine. It was also known as the Etrich VIII Luft Limousine. It was a single engine monoplane built by the Etrich company in 1912. It had a cabin for one pilot and one passenger that was enclosed with wire gauze and celluloid window which apparently is why it was name a Luft Limousine. It was the first military monoplane with an enclosed cabin.

The second stamp shows this much better know aircraft a Sud Aviation Caravelle. I have shown  this type before so won’t repeat details about this aircraft other than to say it was Austrian Airlines first jet aircraft and during the 1960 it was the main aircraft in the airlines fleet I believe.

And finally this third stamp in the issue shows another well known aircraft, A DC8. Do you remember flying in one of those,  especially the stretched version. I can still remember wondering how far back I could walk before I reached the back of the plane!   Apparently Austrian Airlines operated this type but after a little research I can find no details. Perhaps a reader will know more?


Have a philatelic week, see you soon,  and if you want to write I am at   

Michael …. or visit my online store   


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