cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Australia – stamp no longer for sale

Tonight another random pick to show you - this one from Australia issued in 2011 to commemorate the Royal Australia Air Force aviation.

It shows a Wedgetail.  To be precise an E-7A Wedgetail which is operated by No. 2 Squadron, based at RAAF Williamtown, near Newcastle, just north of Sydney.

The aircraft is based on the Boeing 737-700 and modified for simultaneous tracking of airborne and maritime targets. It has a long range capability as it can be refuelled in flight.

The stamp comes from a set of 4 but sadly :-) it is no longer available from the store because it was sold last night. But there are many more very nice aircraft on stamps which you can browse and enjoy looking at, or buy, from the online store   

And yes I am still thinking about a new series,  ideas welcomed  Just email me at

see you soon.... Michael


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